Chapter 8

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Another day has passed and I've decided to just get this over with. Jake is once again in his office and I am speed packing my stuff. As soon as my bag is full I place it just outside his office and take a deep breath. Then I gather my courage and burst in.


"Jake, we need to talk right fucking now!" I exclaim taking in the she-wolf who is glaring at me. "Alone" I add.

Jake grumbles under his breath like a pup getting grounded would then gestures for the she-wolf to leave. I stride forward and slam my open hands on his desk and stare angrily into his annoyed eyes.

"What?" He asks uninterested. "I was busy"

"What?! What?! You haven't spoken more than a sentence to me this week so far! How the fuck are we supposed to take the pack over if you won't even talk! I want to know why, or I can't do this." I explode.

"YOU can't do this? Oh shut up, you're not the one dealing with the hard work." He smugly replies.

I roll my eyes. "Jake, I have come to help you MANY times and each time you grunt a 'no' at me! I have been trying so hard to support you and assist you but you just brush me off! I'm your MATE for fucks sake!"

"Mate, shmate I don't care about you, I never did. I just need a Luna for MY pack"

"Y'know what? I give up! You have been an asshole lately and I won't spend the rest of my life suppressed by you! I, Ivy Martin, REJECT you, Jake Stevenson, as my mate!" I storm out ignoring the pain that ripped through me.

I grab my bag and speed out of the pack house. I first head to my childhood home to find my dad and tell him i was leaving. I quickly find him and tell him about all that has happened since I moved. I then kiss his cheek, give him a hug and rush off waving goodbye.

Next I find my best friend, repeat what I told my dad and hug her before going to find the bus stop that will take me the farthest from here.

*One Hour Later*

I take a deep breath and paste a smile on my face before I leave the bus, thanking the bus driver as I go.

I start wandering around searching for a motel that I could stay at until I could get a job, happy for all the money my mother left me. After about fifteen minutes of looking, I find one that isn't too expensive and is also close to the centre of the town. I walk into the lobby and check into a single bed room. Taking the key, I begin finding my new home for now.

*A Half Hour Later*

I sigh satisfied with my unpacking and decide to explore this new town.


Hope you like the chapter! Feel free to comment any errors or suggestions!

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