Chapter 27

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————————Sasha's POV————————

I continue my break-neck pace still a long way ahead of the Beta, what type of Beta can't keep up with a regular rank? I take a sniff of the air and notice that I was unfortunately following the trail backwards *extreme internal groan*. I just let Ember take control and let's say I definitely wasn't disappointed! Ember had us shift (unfortunately shredding our clothes) but with our lower centre of gravity we were way faster (like way, way faster). We jumped off a wall while making a U-turn and soared right over the Beta with ease! The look on his face was priceless too!

Now on our way back to the front hall we pick up on a fresh whiff of Jake (ew...). We jump off the top landing of the stairs and easily find the door leading to the cells. Our skin crawls and an obviously unfinished mind-link inches into our thoughts. "Sasha, he-" if I hadn't been uneasy already, I definitely was now! I whip the door open (causing it to fly off it's hinges) and practically soar down the stairs. I see Jake calmly making his way along the cells heading to the re-enforced cell.

I am overjoyed by Ivy's fairly fresh scent and Reiya's even fresher scent. I know that they are together and there is safety in numbers. Jake still seems completely oblivious of my presence and this excites Ember. She loves using the element of surprise especially on those who have hurt way too many people. I silently walk along behind Jake and we make it to the special cell. Jake spots two figures in the cell then takes in the fact that the cell door is open.

Jake shakes his head "tsk tsk tsk... You should know by now, kitten, I will always trap you when you run. Just as I will always punish you for disobeying me and every single time you act up, I will make you wish for death but never let it take you." Reiya's tail and ears appear and she turns around slowly... I quickly put a paw over my mouth slightly forgetting that I am in Puma form.

I can tell Reiya understands but it's obvious she has her own plans..? Who is this and what did they do with Reiya??? "Jakey-poo, I was wondering when you'd join us! It's not like you to dawdle... Did you have trouble finding us? Sight began failing you? Oh poor Jakey..." This whole little shpeel Reiya had been stalking closer to him. A way I can only explain as a starved mountain lion would an injured deer, tauntingly...

Before I can get even a step closer, Reiya has leapt at Jake, claws..? extended. He's screaming before she even makes the first slice into his not so perfect chest. She has definitely stunned us all... and isn't done yet either! Reiya shreds him until he resembles spaghetti! The only difference being that this 'pile' screams (yes, he is somehow still alive).

I get out of my stalking position and make my way over to Ivy. She uses me as support and we make our way over to Jake. Ivy kneels beside him and begins chanting something in an unknown language. Both Reiya and me look at her shocked when a silvery-grey thread with golden spots along it rises out of Jakes mangled... body..? Then this thread lands in her outstretched hand and she holds it as if her life depended on it. She nods at Reiya and Reiya beheads Jake finally taking pity on our ears.

Ivy is still chanting something unknown and all of a sudden she begins to hover just off the ground. The thread snakes out of her hand and makes a spiral shape which quickly slams into Ivy's abdomen. I snap out of my stupor and shift, I barely catch her as she flys backwards. Ivy has once again gone unconscious, how lovely...

(Half hour later)

"Hmm?" Ivy mumbles finally becoming conscious again.

"Nothing hun" I had just been talking on the phone with her father. He made the point of us having to show the vampire lord that we are indeed a legit couple. I hate that the Lord doesn't want to believe our relationship exists but I will do what I can to prove it to him.

Ivy gives me her redundant 'really' look, not believing my dismissal. "Riiigghhtt..." she very sarcastically agrees while rolling her eyes.

I walk the few steps over to her and sit on the edge of the bed beside her. "How are you feeling?" I really meant how is she feeling about my decision as I know she figured out I suspected her pregnancy and didn't tell her.

"I'm annoyed but I understand why you didn't tell me..." she trails off looking me in my eyes silently confirming she had read my thoughts. "You did what you felt was right at the time. However I... I am saddened that you didn't tell me because, it-it's gone..." a few tears slip from her eyes and I can tell she didn't even know she had cared so much for the little being that was growing inside her.

"Hey... if you want to, in the future, adopt or something we can you know right?" I lean down and hug her then place a small kiss on her forehead.

"I know..." she reaches up slightly and starts playing with my hair.

"VeEeE~" I pathetically protest, she of course ignores it. "Fffine..." I say and climb over her to lay on the bed beside her.

She smiles satisfied and nuzzles into me. "I know this probably sounds a bit out of place especially because at the moment we aren't exactly... y'know but... from now on, could you lay with me? When we go to sleep..?" Ivy turns her head away slightly blushing.

I, of course have to milk the moment of her blushing and reply "You mean, like sleep with you?" I wiggle my eyebrows and almost burst out laughing but hold it together long enough to see her small blush deepen until she is trying to pull the sheets over her head as if that would hide her from me.

Suddenly, both Ivy and I look towards the stairs, inhaling deeply. "MmMmMmMm... Cupcakes..." Ivy practically moans.

I swallow hard and slightly shake my head trying to get my thoughts away from those thoughts... "Perfect, I was getting hungry..." I look away hoping Ivy doesn't process the other meaning of my statement...

"Were you now..?" She definitely caught on... dammit. Why is it now that we start talking like this??? Why?! Why is it that the time we aren't alone is when we (at least I) want to act on these thoughts...

"*gulp* MmHmm... L-let's go grab some cupcakes!" I say and race down the stairs escaping the rising temperatures in the room.

"I hope you know you aren't escaping my questions..." Ivy links to me sending a much more 'dense' aura with it.

My Hybrid TroublesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz