Chapter 87

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-----------Ivy's POV---------

In the group chat that Reiya randomly made everyone was able to decide that exactly five days before Sasha and I get married, everyone who still needs wedding clothes will meet up with Reiya and her sister, Mika. Then I decided that three days before the actual wedding the rehearsal will take place to help smooth over any last-minute problems and as per tradition, Sasha will have her own bachelorette party while I have mine. We've planned on having them close enough for guests at either can move between the two, but far enough to follow that superstition about the people getting married not seeing each other the day before the wedding.

Sasha was very persistent about keeping that superstition, I believe it's because many years ago shifters had this tradition where the 'man' in the couple, goes out for a week-long hunt, alone, to bring back the biggest animal they can. This was to both provide the ceremony with a feast and provide their soulmate with proof that they could be depended on in trying times. If my assumption is correct then I can't help but feel all warm and fuzzy inside! It would kind of act as a 'fuck you' to everyone who believes same-sex relationships aren't meant to exist. Although I worded it harshly, that sentiment is really sweet to think about. Also... I can't pretend that having a reason to completely let loose with all my closest friends, right before marrying the person who has helped me power through many challenges within only 6 months, isn't appealing... What? I'm still only a sixteen-year-old girl!

Anyway, at the moment Sasha and I are trying to put together an outfit that best represents our individual styles. We know that although the meet-up will mainly pose as a way for us to get to know Reiya's sister, Mika, it's also an opportunity to give Mika some last-minute detail changes. So yeah, it's casual but, it will also help shape the end results of the clothing we will be wearing on our special day!

I turn to Sasha holding up a slightly tight-fitting, short-sleeved top with a really pretty, dark-coloured ombre along with some loose, light-fabric pants, asking silently for her input. She smiles at me and nods before lifting her own favourite outfit. I analyze the outfit carefully, picking out what I see as the main features that would be picked up on then look at it as a whole, she's holding an almost skin-tight, mid-length sleeved top that features a barely noticeable v-neck in a deep auburn as well as athletic-style leggings that host dark, almost black, purples. I nod enthusiastically, extremely surprised by how easily she found an outfit that clearly shows every aspect of her style. If I'm honest, I had previously picked out way too many (in my opinion) options to go through.

(The Next Day)

Sasha tells me to have a quick shower before getting dressed and I do but I can't (and won't even try) to say I enjoyed it. I do like feeling clean but I'm also an earth witch! I love having dirt on me and random branches caught on me (not excessively... nobody in their right mind should want to look like they've just slept in a bush, in the middle of a forest, after months of living in it).

(15 Minutes Pass)

Ahh... That was refreshing! Pfff, I sound like one of those commercial people being paid to advertise body wash or something. I dry myself off quickly, hang the towel on the drying rack and go get into the outfit I picked out yesterday. Sasha smiles at me while walking into our bedroom and hands me Lyath before stripping to shower, yes, she just stripped in the middle of our room and no, I don't feel weird about it.

As Sasha takes her own quick shower I tickle Lyath and play with him, marvelling at how much he's already changed over only 3 months! He can crawl, has minor control over his elemental magic, can slightly mumble and can recognize Reiya, Mia, Oak, Sasha and me. It makes the most sense for the last two but still, I'm so proud and excited about his progress so far. If his personality at the moment says anything about him in the future though, he's probably going to be quite the handful. I can picture him becoming an overprotective 'brother' for Mia and Reiya's on-the-way kids. He'll possibly become a little heartbreaker! But I would never let him become what his father was... The shower shuts off and I turn to look at the bathroom door not exactly expecting Sasha to have already opened it.

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