Chapter 30

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Sasha quickly catches up to me as I have already made it downstairs. She is wearing very old and stained clothes. As soon as we cross the threshold of the front door, we both shift. Sasha shakes, the shredded clothing falling from her.

We jog into the woods that surround the house we've been living in. As the gaps between the trees begins to become predictable, Sasha races ahead of me. I completely let loose and allow Rose full control knowing Ember would be in control soon too.

As Ember and Rose zoom through the forest catching and chasing each other I feel my thoughts begin to calm. I take notice that there are streaks colour on Embers face, reminding me of Sasha and my marks with their strange red detailing.

Rose and I leap over a fallen tree, Ember and Sasha not far behind. We wag our tail playfully our coat colour fading from a bronze to silver then pure white. Ember and Sasha look at me curiously and Rose slow to a trot allowing her to examine our coat closer.

I notice their blue eye turn green and their green eye turn blue. Before I can link them my question, they shift. I look away slightly and they roll their eyes amused. This leads me to believe that Sasha is in control. She gets closer and begins playing with Rose's fur.

"I've never seen fur like this before, like ever... It's really pretty." Me and Rose give her a wolfish grin and focus on warmth. Our coat gradually becomes a peach colour, then a bright orange landing on a fire truck red. "Woah..." is all she can manage to say. Happy we could surprise her we focus on how black it gets during new moons, when the moon is nowhere to be seen. Our coat once again begins changing and becomes pitch black. Sasha's eyes swirl with amazement.

Rose and I lay down and although I feel awkward about it at first we place our head on Sasha's (still very naked) lap. She starts stroking our head contently and fully enjoying the peaceful moment.

After a few minutes of us staying like this Rose practically yells at me about Sasha's nakedness and how it was distracting her. Me having not expected this little outburst I had put a wall up between our thoughts and hers. Sasha's eyes darken and she is now hyper-aware of every single little movement Rose and I make.

With Sasha focusing her attention on how we are composing ourself I begin trying to build up a mental wall before this escalates. She immediately notices the barrier rising and fights against it. Her refusal to allow me to have private thoughts cause me to take control away from Rose. Once in full control I shift and begin moving out of the position we had been in.

Sasha grabs me when I have only slightly gotten my head off her lap. Rose still close to the forefront of our mind, our senses are still very heightened. This means that not only am I still extremely close to "Sasha" but I also can see, hear, feel & smell everything she does almost as soon as she does anything.

Sasha shifts slightly and although I am trying to stay out of her thoughts, I get a glance of why she adjusted her position. She had began feeling 'bothered'... the next thing I notice is her scent, there is a growing amount of something else drifting off of her. It doesn't click at first, when it does I can barely contain Rose.

Sasha slowly lets me go and I sit upright. I gulp, my thoughts now running rampant. I refuse to look in Sasha's eyes, knowing that would be it, there would be no holding back. Rose weasels into control for a split second and its over. My shirt and bra are off before I even process it. Sasha easily pushes me over, she looks in my eyes and the rest of my clothes are off just as fast as before.

Sasha literally leans back a little bit and literally just stares at me!? My thought leap out of the gutters and I remember my scars and the torture that is permanently stuck there within them. I begin trying to cover myself and Sasha takes both my wrists in one hand. I meet her eyes again and she kisses away my negative self image. She continues kissing me as she uses her hands to elicit reactions from me. I have no control over myself anymore and I'm not even sure how I make most of the sounds she gets from me.

Sasha has moved from kissing me and is now having a feast, I can't say I don't like it... if I'm completely honest I am holding her in place.

(Some time later)

Sasha had led me to a small lake after our activities... We swam for a little while and calmed ourselves down. We're now back at the house and I am wringing my hands knowing that somehow, Reiya will know exactly what we had been up to. I was not ready for talking about what just happened with anyone! Literally the only other 'experience' that was sexual had been rape so... No thanks, not ready to speak about any of it...

As if the god and goddess felt like I deserved that little bit of privacy, Reiya was out at the store. She left behind a note saying that she was getting some baking supplies because we had eaten everything she made before she could have some herself... Whoops...

Reiya walks through the door seconds later and she looks at me in that 'I know what you just did' way that a mother would look at their child who gets into mischief all the time. Thankfully she just shakes her head a smirk on her face and starts putting away her groceries minus a few things. After she puts almost everything away she literally grabs a spatula then chases me and Sasha out of the kitchen!

"No cupcakes until I say you can!" Reiya shouts, her pregnancy really amplifying her hangry mood.

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