Chapter 86

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I mentally reach out to figure out where he ran off to and find that he's in his office. Without letting Oak know, I slip into his mind so I know what he's doing and well, Let's just say he didn't just get me flustered... Smirking to myself now that the wave of desire has passed I strut, yes strut, to his office.

In a sing-songy voice, I call out his name, "Oak, If you need me I'll be in the kitchen!"

Since I'm still in his head somewhat I can tell that when I mention the kitchen he remembers how I had challenged him, trying to fluster him. Satisfied for now, I head down to the main floor and seek out Jasmine. It's not very difficult because the smell of delicious desserts and scrumptious meals follows her everywhere. I find her within minutes and give her a look to let her know I thought we should practice a little bit.

Jasmine nods and leads the way to the bigger kitchen since the smaller one is just used for normal meals. We share a smile as we enter the kitchen then begin to grab baking ingredients for our endeavours. The clean kitchen doesn't last as both Jasmine and I decide to have a mini flour battle enjoying each other's company.

"SoOoOoOo..." She looks at me and waggles her eyebrows, "What have you and Oak been up to..?"

My cheeks flush red, "W-well, I'm uh, I'm pregnant... With uhm, twins! Heheh..."

"No way! That's awesome, congrats!" she happily walks over to me and wraps her arms around me lovingly, "I'm so happy for you, I wish I could have children..."

Her confession piques my interest, "Wait, I'm sorry if this is rude or inappropriate to ask but, you can't..? Y-you can't have kids..?"

Jasmine shakes her head, "No, it's not rude to ask and correct, I cannot have children..."

"O-oh... Well, What do you think about being, like, a grandmother/nanny for Mia and then the twins once they're born..?"

Her eyes light up, "Really?! Do you really mean that?!"

I laugh, "Of course I mean it!"

She gives me a massive bear hug and jumps on the spot with me in her arms laughing, smiling and crying because of how happy she is.

"Ahaha, let's get back to baking..."

Jasmine calms down and we mindlessly chat about everything and anything... Even lingerie... Yea... In fact, just as that topic joins our conversation I hear Oak near the kitchen. HA! This is perfect! A mischievous smile rises on my face and Jasmine struggles to hold back a laugh because at that moment Oak walks in behind us.

"So, What do you think Jas? Do you think that I would be able to work a nice vibrant set of lingerie? Or do you think deeper colours would suit me better..?"

"Hmmm... You definitely could rock a vibrant set. Maybe even a vibrant multicoloured one! Y'know, shake it up for him..."

"Ooh... Yeah! That might just be what I'll do... Just, obviously, don't let Oak suspect anything, if I decide to go out and get some I don't want him to have any ideas."

He saunters over to me wraps his arms around my waist and whispers in my ear, making sure to drag his lips over my mark, "What ideas don't you want me having..? Hm?"

I stop myself from inhaling sharply and shrug him off in an almost careless way, "Wouldn't you love to know... But, You won't. Too bad so sad."

I sneak a glance at Jasmine to see her turning red from holding in her laughter, I think she enjoys the show this provides...

*Oak growls* "Why do you do this..?" He takes a defeated breath, "Ugh... I guess you win... This time at least..."

A daring smile rises on my lips and I turn to face him, "You guess..?"

He pales as if realizing that I really do hold all the cards. He knows I know that he'd never cheat on me therefore, he'd be left completely by himself to deal with any mood of his. Oak's head slightly drops and he huffs out a breath.

"Fine... You definitely win... completely..."

My smile grows victorious, "I thought so! Hehe!"

Turning back to the baking mess Jasmine and I created, I busy myself cleaning up, making sure to add a little more exaggerated movements just to tease Oak further. This finally makes Jasmine's resolve crack and her weighty, amused laughter spills through the kitchen. Surprisingly Oak manages to push his defeat aside enough to help us clean so within 10 minutes everything is clean, the only things left out are the small cakes, muffins and cookies Jasmine and I baked. She pats my shoulder and sends me a wink, before heading back to her room, leaving me with Oak.

I turn to face Oak again deciding to take mercy on him, "Stop your pouting, let's go..."

We make our way all the way to the very top floor and I cheekily scurry away into our room after sticking my tongue out at him. I do a once-over in the mirror and shrug not really caring that I'm covered in flour from my impromptu battle with Jasmine. Only a few seconds pass before Oak enters our room and he looks quite bothered by my actions. I happily look to Mia's empty bassinet, glad that Ivy and Sasha had agreed to watch her today then look at Oak like I'm asking why he's just standing there. He gives me a semi-confused look so I stand and walk over to him.

Enjoying the moment, I grab his hand then gently shove him towards the bed, "Relax jeez"

This only makes him more confused, to which I roll my eyes, before slipping out of my flour-covered clothing. Finally, he seems to catch on and he sits down on the bed, not really know what to do now that he's not in control. I quietly laugh, push him to lay down and slip off his clothes. Oak swallows noticeably, and I slowly climb onto the bed teasing him with my lack of speed. He tires of it quite quickly and pulls his legs on the bed then impatiently grabs me. I make him let go and decide I've teased him long enough, setting my opening right over his penis. Easily I slide onto him and begin building a rhythm. It's not long before I give him control and let Oak flip our positions. He quickly decides our pace is too slow for him so he increases it to which I have no problem with.

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