Chapter 9

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I begin my short journey to the heart of this town and chance upon a small café. I decide to check it out and grab a frappe. As I enter, I gasp at how cozy but abnormal it is inside, I've never seen a café quite like this before! It's like it's yelling "I'm unique but comforting". I walk to the front counter and order a simple caramel frappe. As I wait for my drink I glance around planning on finding a place to sit but zone out instead.

*Ahem* "Your drink, miss"

"Oh! Thank you!" I say somewhat embarrassed.

I wander to a spot that is open and take a seat. Softly i sigh taking a sip, and processing how the day has went. I rejected my soulmate, told my father how the step-bitch treated me & left my hometown for what I hope is close to forever... Jeez. A lot has happened today and it's not even getting dark yet! Once again I zone out absorbed in my thoughts only to remember the Vampire Lord's son and the connection we both had felt. As I recall this, I notice that there is no "string" tugging at my heart telling me to go to him. My small realization brings me back to reality and it seems that I had unconsciously been staring straight at someone!

As if they suddenly felt me eyes on them, they look over at me and we lock eyes for a second before I quickly look away. I quickly take a glance in the person's direction to get a better view. When I do, they just about call to me internally which piques my interest more. I let myself take in every detail I can then with slightly red cheeks fully turn my head towards them. It's a girl who seems to be about my age maybe a year or two older, with eyes that seem to dance with mystery, excitement and maybe a bit of hidden sadness... We lock eyes again but this time I don't look away, I give her a small shy smile that she returns. Then as fast as I took notice of her, she was leaving the café.

—————A few minutes later—————

I finish up my caramel frappe, toss the cup as well as straw into the proper waste containers and take my leave.


Once again I hope that the short chapters don't bother you too much but as of writing this the only idea a reader gave me for the new love interest was it's gender. Please leave a response to my post on the community tab if you have any ideas yourself! Remember, just leave a comment on any spelling or grammar mistakes I've made! <3

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