Chapter 21

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I'd recognize that voice anywhere! It's my best friend!!! Damn, I missed Daisy so fucking much!

"Dhhhhh!" I once again try to speak, forgetting about the fact that my mouth isn't cooperating right now... Daisy can't hear me obviously, I'm still upstairs and she's downstairs... damn those human ears of hers!

I guess Sasha did because the next thing I know, she's carrying me to Daisy. "Ivy!!! Omg, I missed you so fucking much!!!" She spews barely speaking coherently.

Sasha sets me down and loops my arm around her neck. I throw my other arm out in a 'hug me' gesture which Daisy luckily understands. She skips over and hugs me. Then Sasha moves the arm she had put around her neck around Daisy and speeds to a wall and turns on the lights.

Daisy gasps as her eyes adjust and she notices how fucked up I am. I know I look really dead although I tried to ignore it when I was admiring my new mark.

"Are you okay Ivy? Wait... never mind you're obviously not okay... I guess I more so mean how did you get so um, dead-looking..?"

I decide to hobble (a very bad idea) over to Sasha so I have more space to sign the best I can to tell Daisy what happened.

I use my free arm, move it to bring it from my shoulder downward on a diagonal trying to say 'well...' I then point to my eye, make a thumbs up and finally move my hand in a line across my throat. Put together I did my best to sign: 'Well... I did die...'

Daisy's eyes go wide and I almost think she's going to faint but instead, she just says "Did you meet your mom? Or your 'earth goddess'? Or maybe your 'blood god'?" I shook my head to all three of her questions kinda wondering if I had fully died or not.

Daisy looks at me again and I guess my hair had shifted or something because she zeros in on my mark. "Wow... I didn't take you as a tattoo kinda girl Ivy"

I roll my eyes and silently laugh knowing Daisy is aware that it's a mark. She joins in my small laughing and we all head upstairs. Just as we reach the landing a knock sounds again and Sasha practically pushes me into Daisy's arms, races back down the stairs picking up her dagger that had previously been discarded. She cracks the door open a smidge notices who it is and moves aside.

Liam speeds up the stairs and practically tackles Daisy but stops himself noticing that I was only able to stand on my own. "Damn Ivy- I mean Rose... What happened to you?" Liam asks.

It takes me a second to notice he called me IVY at first... how the fuck did he know my name?? I quirk an eyebrow at him giving him a 'speak up now or else' look and he literally starts shaking. I immediately stop my look and become even more confused.

He stops shaking and rubs the back of his neck a bit embarrassed..? "I-I uh... Ahem, I know your name because I am studying under your father to possibly become the next second in command for the clan... I guess I should have started with that..."

I give him a 'no duh' glare and nod my head. With my nod, a headache forms, demanding attention. I groan in discomfort and try, keyword is try to hobble to the room Sasha had brought me to earlier. Instead, I give the floor a hug... ow...

Thankfully, I was able to catch myself before my head hit the ground. That doesn't stop me from cursing at the pain though. "Fuckkkkk that hurt!" I then realize that I actually was able to form proper words! "Finally! Dammit! I was beginning to think I was going to be stuck mute..."

"Are you okay Ivy..?" Sasha cautiously asks.

I nod "Yeah, I'm fine. If only I could regain my stability while standing..." I'm really mad that I can't stand by myself right now. But as I try moving to get up, pain shoots through my thighs and hips. "Fuck!"

"Uhhh... Ivy..? Y-your kinda bleeding... Are you sure you're okay..?" Daisy seems really concerned for me, completely unaware that Liam has now taken a very protective stance in front of her.

It only takes milliseconds for Sasha to do the same in front of me. Daisy notices but seems to shrug it off. She then helps me up and we walk/hop to the bathroom. Daisy also being a witch, she gently checks me for any injuries and begins healing me.

I breathe a sigh of relief and hug Daisy thankfully. I decide to explain what I know had happened...

"So, I had met Sasha in the town over and well... I think she's my second chance. I can't believe how fast I met her though... Anyway, we were hanging out one day and she was able to get me to tell her about how my vampire side was hungry. She convinced me that it was alright for me to feed from her. I didn't want to but she then added in that I would have to do something for her. I then agreed and we went to her apartment, away from the public eye. I had fed, she fainted, she came to, another friend we had met randomly showed up and the last thing I remember was passing out. When I finally came to, I was in the packhouse *shudder* h-he was there... h-he had... h-he had stripped and tied m-e up... He got m-ad when I tried to embrace unconsciousness, s-so he slapped me. I had accidentally head-butted h-him. Th-at made him madder... *sob* he then b-began t-to r-ape m-e *sob* I thankfully passed out but I had l-ost so much blood... I died or almost did, I'm not sure. When I came to again, I was here *awkward and uncomfortable laughing* so um yeah... I don't even know how long I had been out either time, I don't know what has happened since I passed out and I'm worried because my newest friend is missing now because of J-Jake" I finish with disgust lacing my voice.

"Oh, Ivy... We will find them, and make him pay for what he did" Daisy curls her lip in hatred when mentioning him.

I nodded and hugged Daisy happy to be with my best friend again. "So, what's happened since I left between you and Liam?" I cheekily ask steering our conversation away from what I just went through. Daisy is about to begin telling me when the front door slams open below us. *BANG!*

"WHO THE FUCK IS IT THIS TIME!!!" I roar annoyed with all the noise.

Feet race up the stairs and run towards the bathroom (which is now closed) but stop suddenly. At first, I can't understand why but then it clicks, Sasha must've stopped whoever it was. I get up and surprisingly don't fall on on my face this time!

I fling open the door and come face to face with Oak..? Then another set of footsteps are heard and my father races over too. "Dad! I missed you so fucking much! I don't even know how long it's been since we last talked... That reminds me... Sasha, how long have I been pretty much dead?"

"Ivy I missed you too! But watch your language young lady!" He almost convinces me that he was upset by my swearing until he can't help but burst out laughing. Despite his attempt to hide his laughter, I laugh a bit too and playfully hit his shoulder.

"Oh, uhmmm, you've been out for a few weeks..." Sasha says quietly. "You hadn't even started to become aware until I had given you blood everyday for about a week."

My jaw drops "A WEEK?! YOU COULD HAVE DIED, GODDAMMIT! I'M NOT WORTH YOU RISKING YOUR LIFE FOR! WHY DO YOU FAVOUR MY LIFE OVER YOURS???" I can't hold back the tears the stream out as I scold Sasha for saving me. I don't deserve a second chance like her. I have been beaten, cheating on, kidnapped, raped and almost killed but yet she still just about gives her life for me...

(Internal conversation)
'What did we do to deserve such a loving second chance! We barely know each other and she's already tried to give her life for me to continue mine...'

'You are worthy of someone who will give their all for you no matter how well you know each other, Jake was supposed to be that person for us but he let us down. Sasha and Ember are acting out of the deepest love for us because we deserve it, just as they deserve ours Ivy. What we went through can't be changed but what we do to overcome it is within our reach. Let's not hold ourself to the low standards the assholes have, let's show them what we really are. Let's prove them wrong!'

'Yeah, you're right Rose. But it's just so hard to remember that we are stronger than what they have molded us to. I often forget that I have the aura and composure of a true right-hand. Y'know what? We should start to train once we physically can. Get to the level we are meant to be at, show them our true strength!'

'Exactly! We are a hybrid! We are beta born! We are powerful! We are a force to be reckoned with...'

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