Chapter 28

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—————————Ivy's POV—————————

I laugh at Sasha's quick escape finding it hilarious that although she started the teasing, I only told her that it wasn't over yet! *internal evil grin*

*sniff* I can just smell my victory! Wait, no... I just smell cupcakes! I race down the stairs to find Sasha holding two cupcakes and one shoved in her mouth already. "Hey! Save some for me!" I shout semi-angrily.

"Nwwoo mnway! Thewy awll mwine!" Sasha half yells through her mouthful of cupcake. She then somehow swallows it all and says very pointedly " it's only fair, you ate all the pancakes!"

"Ahahaha, you think I care about fair when it comes to food?" I reply in the same tone.

"Oh..." is all she says before literally grabbing the whole tray of cupcakes and running up the stairs!

I rush up after her but notice that she has locked herself in the bathroom. I shake my head laughing. "You think that will stop me? Really?"

"I'm right behind the door so if you break it down you'll hurt me" she obviously forgot that I am a witch.

I whisper-chant a short spell and close my eyes. When I open them again I am in the bathroom right beside Sasha, only she's sitting and I'm not. "Will I now?" I ask cheekily and grab some cupcakes before teleporting down to the kitchen. I take a seat on one of the bar stools and notice Reiya leaning on a counter facing away from me.

Reiya breathes out slowly then turns back to me shocked to find me there with a questioning look. "I'm fine! Just finding it weird to not have to always be looking over my shoulder making sure he isn't there..." I'm not fully convinced but I don't press her on it.

"Okay" I shrug "I can understand that, he's always been quite the creep. I mean he was quite the creep... still can barely believe that we're free from him now!" I smile, a real genuine smile, and I'm pretty sure Reiya forced one... "by the way, these cupcakes are delicious!"

"Oh... uh... Thanks..? I'm not that good, but... okay? Uh... eheheheh..." Reiya scratches the back of her head obviously feeling awkward and shy.

Sasha finally walks through the kitchen doorway with the cupcake tray, only there are no cupcakes left!

"Woah... And I thought ~I~ could eat..." My eyes are definitely wider than they ever have been before.

"Pfff, I didn't eat them all! I just hid them, away from you *mockingly turns nose up*" Sasha has a sly grin on her face.

"Oh hohohoho... You think you'd be able to hide them from me?" Reiya steals the cupcakes from my hands and eats them. "I'm going to find them once I eat the ones I stole from you!" I turn back to see them gone and my face goes blank.

I stand straight faced and march up the stairs. I walk to the closest window and open it. I then take a deep whiff of the air and immediately smell the cupcakes Sasha hid. I climb out the window easily and heave myself onto the roof. As I straighten myself, I spot them in a basket. I walk to them carefully and sit right beside the basket.

Smiling to myself I shovel them into my mouth one after the other, barely chewing and somehow not choking. "Mmmhhhh..." I moan out completely satisfied by the cupcakes.

"You're really going to have to stop making that sound when I'm around y'know..." Sasha says in a whisper while she closes?! the window we had climbed out of...

"And why, may I ask is that?" I look her right in the eyes, challenging her statement.

"How about you think about why, and you tell me..." There's a daring and dark look in her eyes.

I obviously know why she told me not to moan around her, I mean, I'm not dumb! I won't exactly mind if something happened... if you know what I mean... 😇

By the look on her face she definitely was reading my thoughts... "So you wouldn't mind if I were to do something to you..?" Sasha is practically stalking towards me.

"Nope, I wouldn't mind" I reply calmly although my heart is racing with anticipation...

"Really, now..?" She says as she lowers herself to her knees staring into my eyes. "Not even if I did this?" She leans towards me, gently pushing me onto my back. She doesn't move back after making me lay down either.

"I still don't mind..." I reply looking right back into her eyes. "Not one bit" As I say this I place one of my hands around her neck, almost holding her in place.

A smirk grows on her face and she places her hands either side of my head, caging me in.




PeRfEcT tImInG... of course a thunderstorm had to roll in right now *internal annoyed groan*

Sasha sits back on her legs and sighs. She then gets up and holds a hand out to me. I take it and we walk back across the roof. She opens the window and we climb back inside, just as the rain reaches us. I close the window and face Sasha a slight frown identifiable on her lips.

I don't even wait a second before putting my hands in Sasha's hair and kiss her. She responds immediately, her arms winding around my waist. When Sasha begins walking backwards I follow, neither of us breaking the kiss for anything other than air. We somehow make our way to the room we have been using and I untangle one of my hands to close and lock the door behind us.

Just as we think we can actually get a moment to ourselves, Reiya knocks, uses her nails and unlocks the door! She walks in without waiting for a response and stops short when she notices just how close together me and Sasha are. "Oops! Hehehe..." she smiles devilishly and backs out looking really satisfied with herself.

I turn my head a bit to see her clearer. "Yes Reiya?" I ask, a little bit annoyed knowing she heard the two of us. Sasha looks entertained though so I release my annoyance.

"Oh, nothing~" she says a little too cheery. I give her my signature 'really?' look and a cheeky grin spreads on her face. "What..? I was just checking on you~" I can tell she finds my reaction a bit funny which kinda sorta annoys Rose...

Rose takes control, my eyes changing colours "What, is it, Reiya?" We question, our annoyance seeping into our voice.

"Ohoho..! Wolfie is upset! Hehe!" Reiya retreats, closing the door and re-locking it.

Sasha gently grabs my face and turns my head to face her. "Now there is no reason for her to complain later, she basically just said 'have fun'... so..? What do you say, hm?" Sasha has a bit of teasing revenge in her eyes but I can tell she is being completely serious.

"Well... She did see exactly what was going to happen and didn't exactly ask us not to... so..." a mischievous sparkle shines in my eye "why not?" A smirk now fully showing.

"Hey! Don't you two dare! I don't want to hear that! At least wait for the weather clear so I can leave you to it!" Reiya shouts through the wall obviously not having expected us to respond like this.

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