Chapter 92

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—————————Silas's POV—————————
Arg! Screw it! I'm going back to the coven so I can see Mika. What if she's confused and the only one who can help explain mates is me? I have to be there just in case! I can't possibly leave that to chance!

(At The Coven House)

*Knock knock knock*

"Oak! Open the damn door! I know you can hear me and I know Reiya has told you what Mika is! C'mon man! You know what it's like to be apart from the one you are meant to be with. Let me in so I can see Mika!" If I wasn't an Alpha, I'd have completely forgotten about remaining in control by now...

He better hurry up, I'm getting really impatient. An impatient, irritable Alpha is the last thing anyone wants right now... especially because I would end up scaring Mika! And If I completely lost my patience I could become too possessive... I really don't want to force my mark onto Mika but in a possessive state I might...

"OAK! I swear to the gods and goddesses that if you keep ignoring me I'm going to break down your doors!"

*door opens a crack*

"Woah... Chill out dude... Reiya already told you that you have to keep your distance from Mika right now. You know that you'd regret it if you ended up causing her to fear the bond or even fear you."

"I know! I know! Okay?!" I start to pace, pulling at my hair, "How were you able to hold it together? I'm normally calm and collected! What do I do?! My wolf is begging me to go find Mika, my heart is begging me to find her as well but, my common sense is telling me to be patient! *growl* I'm acting like a pre-pubescent little boy!"

Suddenly my wolf decides he's had enough of my resisting and takes over!

We growl out our words, glaring at Oak, daring him to disobey,"MOVE"

Oak wasn't expecting me to loose control and steps aside stunned. Even though he's out of the way my wolf makes me hit his shoulder with mine, pushing him further out of the way, before we take a deep inhale and follow Mika's amazing scent.

I can barely process what's happening around me and when I finally do, It's too late... we've forcefully marked Mika and she's frozen in a state of shock.

I quickly take back control and turn around, rushing away with my speed, mumbling to myself "Why the fuck did I let that happen? She's going to be terrified of me now! Fucking hell! Why did I have to loose control? Out of all the times in I could have lost control, I lost it now!?"

I don't stop my mad dash away until I'm back in the safety of my office!

(Four Days Pass)

—————————Ivy's POV—————————

Tonight are the bachelorette parties! I honestly can't wait for the day to be over. Sasha's already packed a few things up and is staying at a hotel tonight. I'm getting lonely already and she literally just left! Not even Lyath is home, my father wants him to stay over there for a while and although it's lovely to have peace and quiet... I'm not used to going this long without hearing Lyath's cries. He's been at my father's since me and Sasha went to meet Mika.

I'm also kinda worried about tonight... I left it completely up to Reiya. Sasha had let Delua plan her party, which I was a bit hesitant to allow but Sasha promised that she would stay with a group of people just to be safe.

(Text Conversation)

"Ivy! Don't forget to wear you best swimsuit tonight! I'm going to get a driver and pick you up around like 9:00. Hope you're excited!"

"Wait... what do you mean by 'best'... I don't think I like the sounds of that..."

"Obviously I mean wear your best swimsuit, duh! Don't worry, if there's anything that goes wrong you can blame me! Tonight is for you to celebrate your last truly free night!!"

(Text Conversation Over)

I still don't know how I feel about that...and I have a feeling that my swimsuit won't do for Reiya. It's probably a bit too plain and isn't really a 'pretty' style either...

Deciding to go care for my deadly garden, I head outside. I grab the garden hose and water them then sit down on one of the chairs on the porch. My mind starts to wander, not keeping any train of thoughts for very long. I can barely believe everything that's happened in the past like half year!

Honestly tho! Like, a week before I had turned 16 I found out that I had two potential mates. Then I was marked but got cheated on, so I rejected the asshole. A few days after that I found my second chance as well as a cool new friend, but then I got us all kidnapped... while I was being held captive I was raped and so was the new friend. Then I was rescued when in a coma, found out I was pregnant, rescued my friend, killed my ex-mate and kidnapper. Wow... that's not even close to everything! It's so hard to believe its only been around half a year..!

*Phone Dings*

(Text Conversation)

"I know the party isn't for another few hours but grab you purse and we're going to get you a proper bathing suit! Don't even try to protest that you have one because that wrinkled two-piece is horrid."

"What if I don't want to buy something I'll only wear once? You did say for me to wear my best bathing suit so... technically, not getting a new one is fine..."


"Just get your dang purse, I'm just asking Jasmine to watch Mia then I'll be right there. No excuses!"

(Text Conversation Over)

Seriously?! Isn't tonight supposed to be about celebrating my last night as an unmarried woman? Not some night to show off... ugh, there's no way I will be able to change Reiya's mind.

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