Chapter 44

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————————Oak's POV————————

It's the day after I became my Coven's Lord. I can't stop thinking about Reiya, her pink and purple hair, her stunning amber eyes and her adorable reactions... Man, I actually didn't think I was going to get a second chance mate. I thought that I would have to find someone, who would best fit the position of being our Coven's Lady.

But here's the bad part... Sasha probably won't let me anywhere near Reiya, her baby, Ivy and Ivy's baby. I haven't exactly done much to ease her distrust... Sasha probably has multiple reasons for it and it definitely didn't look like I was trying to help Ivy during the ceremony yesterday...

I gotta start trying to improve her opinion of me but that will be tough as I also have to begin my reworking of the current rights each member should have. I don't want to neglect my Coven and I do want to provide better equality for everyone. Hopefully, Sasha will see that I do intend on fulfilling my promises and begins to trust me more.

Is it weird that before I went to my office I moved some stuff around to make space for anything that Reiya might want, that is if she accepts me as her mate...

Once I actually got in my office I could barely focus on the paperwork required to start the long process of changing the rights for my Coven. I start getting frustrated with myself and decide to go for a walk, a long, long walk...

(1.5 hours pass)

I see a stump ahead of me, walk to it and sit down. Taking my mini sketchbook out, I look at my surroundings then flip to an empty page. Slowly I start creating my scenery and once I feel satisfied with how it looks I begin darkening my lines. Since I used the one page and left the other (the one on the other side of the spine), I come up with my colour swatch. Feeling like there's something missing I pick up my sketching pencil again and just create with no specific idea in my mind. Looking at the light pencil marks I smile content with how it looks now. I grab my darker pencil and darken the lines of the new addition. Now looking at my colours, I decide there are a few more that I would like to add. Carefully selecting the four new colours, I swatch them and then begin to use a fine liner. Once done outlining, I erase the pencil then randomly pick up one of my chosen colours and start to lightly add colour.

Finally done my piece, I massage my hands then take a good look at it. I smile, proud of my work then get up. Stretching, I re-hide my art supplies in a barely noticeable nook hidden at the bottom of the stump. I make my way back to the Coven house, this time taking the way shorter way.

(30 minutes pass)

I sigh then sit behind my desk and then actually start getting some work done! I get through double the amount I did this morning and plan on getting more done soon, I should grab myself a snack before jumping back into it.

(10 minutes later)

Back behind my desk I don't let myself burn out and blast my way through the rest of what I can before getting the Council's approval. I know that since one of the Council members had attended the ceremony last night, their decision will probably be split down the middle. The seven Council members are usually really in tune with each other however, I know that about of them are female suppressors and the other half are female supporters... Depending on what side whoever attended is on the outcome may be hard to determine or it may actually be easy. Either way I really don't want to have to remake my plans just because one Council member decided to make my job more difficult. Fingers crossed they vote in favour of my proposition...

———————Reiya's POV———————

Mia has been so fussy today! I can't wait until she's reached a week old so I will be able to take her out on walks. Of course hiding her ears and tail will probably be very difficult since she has no control over it at all... oh well... I can just order a sweatshirt then cut out some ear holes and a tail hole. Hopefully this will work, I don't want many more people to learn about what we really are. Although I've been fairly lucky so far, I know this luck will probably not last much longer.

I've heard that there are some 'super humans' who are completely dedicated to exterminating as many supernatural beings as possible. Also, there are rumours that some of these 'people' occasionally will offer to capture or kill any supernatural for a price... These being have begun to be called Hunters, a name most suiting of said beings.

The only thing I am really scared of that relates to Hunters is the fact that there are some who make a living off of capturing or killing any supernatural for someone else. I assume that they aren't as openly hostile as they will accept missions like this from anyone, literally anyone, for money. It's worrying since my Clan could have hired a few to catch me and if they did, what would they do to Mia? Mia is too innocent to go through something that traumatic!

Ivy keeps trying to reassure me that Hunters don't like around here and that even if they did, they wouldn't be too active. I'm pacing around my room as she does her best to comfort me. Ivy is also holding both Lyath and Mia, one of which (Mia) is being extremely difficult to hold still. I finally stop pacing and take Mia into my arms slowly rocking her, which calms her almost immediately.

So far, Mia has only been nice and behaved while I hold her, with everyone else she isn't such an angel... I wonder if it has to do with the type of hybrid she is or if it's simply just her personality...

Lyath on the other hand, is pretty evil while awake in Ivy's arms whereas he is angelic for others. Ivy seems not to get too frustrated with his behaviour, knowing that he's just learning.

I ask Ivy to watch Mia for a while after I feed her so I can get some baby-free air. A long walk  will do nicely.

Ivy says sure and that I shouldn't go too far (that's a wrench in my plans... oh well).

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