Chapter 18

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————————Sasha's POV————————

I make a small clatter and then off to the side ask for Ivy's last name.

"Ahem... Hello Mr... (martin?) Mr. Martin... My name is Sasha and I would love to accompany your daughter for a visit! I would really enjoy getting to know a bit more about her vampire side and I want to learn all the embarrassing stories from her childhood *soft/kind laugh*"

"*laugh* Of course! She has plenty of embarrassing stories! Hopefully we can meet each other soon! Can I speak to Ivy again?"

"Sure! It was nice talking! Bye!" I then pass back Ivy's phone, knowing I now had an excuse to go to Ivy's hometown. I can barely contain my "trigger-happy" puma from taking control to start planning for the assholes who hurt Ivy to pay *internal crazed laughter*...

Once Ivy has said bye to her father she looks at me and quirks an eyebrow at me. I quickly mask my scheming smile with a teasing smirk and quirk my eyebrow back at her. She barely lasts a second before bursting into laughter. I join in pleased that not only had I hidden my more violent side, I had also succeeded in brightening Ivy's mood even more.

I sneakily grab her phone when she is looking away from it and notice it does in fact have a password, how bothersome... I wanted to secretly add my number into her phone and put a great contact name for myself. Ivy sees that I have her phone and faster than I had ever seen, she snatched it from my hands. I look at her wide-eyed shocked at her speed and don't even try to explain what I was trying to do.

Ivy's eyes flicker briefly until they land on a dull red colour... Woah... I don't think her vampire side is very pleased with me right now...

I put my hands up in surrender, palms facing out and I don't back away. I want to show that although I am not a threat, I can hold my own and needed to be treated as an equal. Ivy scans over my position and posture, analyzing me, before her eyes narrow at me.

I then remember that she is a high ranked vampire and that although her wolf has accepted me, I still needed to earn the respect and trust of her vampire. With this I swallow my pride and lower my head and avert my eyes submitting to her vampire before this escalated.

Satisfied with my reassessment of the situation, Ivy's eyes go back their original size. I can't figure out why her vampire side hasn't backed down yet I subconsciously tilt my head questioningly. Once she realizes this some other feeling seems to overcome her vampire. She adjusts her head position ever so slightly before charging towards me faster than I thought possible but stops before slamming into me..?

With one hand she pushes my head more to the side then lets go, moves it to one of my shoulders and with the other locks onto my other holding it steady. Ivy then zeros in on the base of my neck. Then she glances at my face, gauging my reaction. Once she sees that I am not resisting but am also not completely giving up she lets go of me and blinks hard a few times. When her eyes open again they are once again hazel.

"Uh-uhmmmm... I-I'm sooo sorry..." Ivy says to me looking away trying (and failing) to hide her embarrassment.

"It's fine *soft laugh* but can I ask what exactly happened?"

"O-oh uh, yeah, well at first my vampire was in a fighting mind state that shifted to curiosity. Then when it noticed that you had tilted your head, it uh... it went into a more primal state... u-usually it only surfaces if a vampire has gone too long without feeding but... as I am also a shifter, I don't need to depend on drinking blood for my body to function..." Ivy trails off nearing the end obviously hopeful that I would drop the subject... Too bad!

"So, you're hungry?" I question going with my gut that she's too shy to say it.

Ivy turns her head towards me again looking shocked that I asked, then she looks towards the ground a blush creeping up her face. I smile and laugh softly not minding how easy I can get her to blush. She looks up at me a bit and shyly nods. "Y-yeah... but I-I can go find some-somewhere th-at will let me have some..."

"You really think that after today I would make you feed off of bagged blood?" I press knowing she understood what I was about to say.

"W-ell we j-just met pro-properly... and I, I don't wa-nt to make y-you feel that y-ou need to be... that... for me..." She futility tries to get me to drop the subject again.

"Here, how about we make a sort of trade then?" I suggest hoping that she will agree to it.

"O-okay..." she says knowing that I won't let her go any longer without feeding no matter what.

I smile, "how about we head to my apartment, not to do that" i say 'that' while wiggling my eyebrows, "where you can feed without feeling as awkward and then after you've fed I tell you what I actually mean by this 'trade'. Okay?... Okay!" I answer my own question.

Looking a bit defeated, Ivy nods. We then leave the room we were in and literally bump into Reiya!?

"Reiya??? What are you doing..? Y'know what, never mind. Gimmie your phone for a sec" I lay my palm out to take her phone.

She looks hesitantly at Ivy hoping for some hint as to my intentions, Ivy looks just as clueless and shrugs. Reiya then places her phone in my hand with a sigh, I quickly find her contacts app and add my number in it under the name 'AWESOME PERSON'. I hand back her phone, smile then grab Ivy's hand and pull her along behind me to the door.

Once me and Ivy are on the sidewalk I lead her to my apartment. Ivy looks around and then seems to remember the purpose of coming here. I laugh and grab a small dark hand towel and gesture towards the bathroom, not wanting the carpets at risk of a stain. She scurries into my bathroom and stands very awkwardly. I enter to and close the door because I feel like it will help Ivy feel less worried about someone seeing and taking it the wrong way. I walk past her and perch myself on the edge of the tub, my feet in the basin part. I then place the hand towel on the edge beside me and pull my hair over onto one shoulder. I hear Ivy inhale deeply and the feel a small shift in the air behind me.

I can tell she is hesitating but allow her to peacefully collect her bearings. She then takes in a shaky breath through her nose and lets it out of her mouth. For a millisecond, nothing happens, then her hands find a place on my shoulders and I feel her breaths on my neck. I can tell that her vampire is in full control right now. Then without any further hesitation her fangs pierce my skin, setting my skin skin on fire... (at least that's what it feels like) then I feel a weirdly pleasant feeling which disappears as fast as it came, her fangs departing from my neck too. She then seals the bite, and I know she is back in full control before I black out.

(Five minutes later)

*soft groan* I look around me to see thatI'm not in the bathroom anymore, I'm in my bed..? Ivy then rushes through the door and begins fussing over me, checking if my I have a fever, then if somehow there was an infection in the bite mark. Once she sees that I'm fine she sits down on the side of my bed.

"Th..." I try to say before Ivy grabs a cup of water that I hadn't even noticed was on my bedside table... She hands it to me but keeps one of her hands around mine making sure I have it. I take a sip then laugh. "Ahem... I'm not a piece of glass y'know hahaha"

Ivy rolls her eyes then shakes her head letting a small laugh out. "I know you aren't but I don't know... I guess I wasn't expecting you to pass out..."

"Hey, I'm fine haha! All I was going to say was that it was interesting ahahaha" I smile at her. "So, ready to know what I want you to do?"

Ivy looks at me and nods curiously.

"Come closer" *she scoots closer* "I want you to tell me if you are okay with me marking you..? I know it's super soon and probably a bit crazy but I just feel that it's what should happen next... I understand if you don't want me to, but I at least want you to keep the thought in your head *I shrug*"

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