Chaper 43

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———————Oak's POV———————

(Before Ivy & Reiya went 2 the hospital)

Stepping off the platform I quickly search the crowd for the ravishing young lady who caught my eye. It doesn't take too long to find her both because she has bright purple-pink hair with stunning amber eyes and she is wearing the most interesting looking dress here. I don't even think about it before I use my speed to walk in front of her.

"Hello, I'm sure you heard my father introduce me but, my name is Oak. What might yours be?" Her eyes widen and she squeaks surprised by my sudden appearance. "Sorry, I uh, I didn't mean to startle you..."

"O-oh... uhm, hi!? M-my uh— my name Reiya..." I take in her attire a little more and notice that the ears attached to the sweater she's wearing are slightly twitching..? "W-well, how uh— how are you..?" She keeps shifting her weight from her heels to the ball of her feet nervously.

"My day was pretty good, the last hour I'm still not too sure about but other than that, it was pretty good! How about your day?" I relax my posture and try to look like less of a threat and more like my regular anxious self.

Reiya looks away a little bit, a hint of colour dusting her cheeks, "M-my... day..?" She's way quieter than when she last spoke, "W-why would my day matter..?"

I softly laugh, "Your day matters because you matter. Even if you were living on the side of a road, covered in mud and living in a shelter made from garbage bags and boxes, you would still matter." She looks back to me, staring into my eyes, checking for dishonesty.

"Really? You really think I would still matter if I lived on the streets..?" She sounds disbelieving and then mutters "They all act like that but leave me behind anyway..." a sad look forms in her eyes, "If you truly do care, my day has been alright..."

"Well it does truly matter to me, i'm sorry to hear your day hasn't been excellent. Someone as dazzling as you should have the most lovely day, is there any way I can make it better?" A blush re-appears on her face and she shakes her head.

"No, nothing you can do will improve my day more than you already have. May I ask why you have acquired such a curiosity for me?" I can sense a hint of caution in her words although she's acting very put together and simply curious.

"I had happened to meet your eyes and just couldn't let someone as enchanting as you slip away so easily, is that so wrong?" I mentally slap myself because of how hard I'm trying to get her to open up.

"I wouldn't use the word enchanting to describe me... more like an emotional mess" she sighs and holds a look of deep-rooted sadness, a sadness I never believed could exist...

——————Unknown POV——————

Seeing him with that girl stirs a deep darkness inside. Something tells me that she will be difficult to shake if I let this continue... I must have something done about this.

I call one of my acquaintances to help me with my plans. "So you know what you need to do?"

"Yessir, I understand what you require me to do..."

"Excellent, I expect the information by the end of the week. Your deadline is Saturday, only 4 days left of the week, chop chop..." I don't think they fully get the true reason that I said chop chop, but I know that they won't like it...

———————Sasha's POV———————

(Back to the pizza)

I can see both Reiya and Vee eying my remaining pizza... I have only eaten a quarter of mine and they're completely done theirs!? I get that they need to consume more to be able to provide for Mia and Lyath but seriously? My pizza?!?! Oh hell naw!

"Take. A. Step. Away. From. The. Pizza! ITS MINE!" Vee disregards my warning and grabs half of what's left.

"Y'know," she speaks through a mouthful, "I don't really wanna..." she then scampers off with a smile as smug and mischievous as I've ever seen her be. I look back at my pizza only to find crumbs!

"REIYA!!! YOU BETTER NOT HAVE STOLEN MY PIZZA!!!" I climb the stairs three at a time and sniffing the air. Easily finding Reiya's scent mixing with the smell of my stolen pizza, I slightly crouch. I begin following the trail Reiya left behind even more silent than normal and turn a corner to find Reiya huddled into a corner, facing the walls, and chowing down my food!

I sneak down the hallway and grab her suddenly, not very hard just enough for her to jump, and jump she does! She was so high off the ground I almost thought she would somehow flip and cling to the ceiling! I gracefully catch the minuscule amount of pizza left and scarf it down before it can get stoled again. "MY PIZZA!"

Reiya's eyes are as big as saucers and she nods rapidly, "R-r-right! Y-your pizza... eheheheh..." she scratches her neck then rushes away. I hear her bedroom door close and lock then feel satisfied enough that I doubt she will steal my pizza ever again (Success!!).

(1 minute passes)

I am halfway down the stairs when I suddenly hear Reiya and Ivy laughing their asses off because of my reaction to them stealing my pizza! Jeez! And to know that one of them I completely plan on living with for the rest of my life! What have I gotten myself into?!

I continue down the stairs and turn on one of Ivy's favourite movies, full volume, and stretch out to take up the whole couch (the chairs face away from the TV and are really annoying to turn). Obviously Ivy races down the stairs to yell at me because of how loud it is then sees what is on and takes in how I'm laying. To say I could see fire in her eyes would be an understatement... I could probably see hell raging in them because of my payback.

Ivy narrows her eyes then suddenly a mischievous smirk growing on her face. My smug grin melts and Ivy calmly turns towards the TV. Faster than I can predict what she was planning she unplugs the TV and rips the remote from my hands!

I chase her to get the remote back but she somehow hid it so fast that I wasn't able to see her! I could try following her scent but she has now ran through every single room and hallway, making it impossible to track. Damn... Out of everyone I could have possibly fallen for, why is it someone who knows exactly how to get under my skin but not anger me? It would be such a different story if someone else did what she just did.

But then again, I knew the moment I first saw her, there was no escaping fate. Not this time. Not again...

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