Chapter 29

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————————Reiya's POV————————

No way were they actually going to do that right?! There's no way! There just isn't! Nope! Nu uh! Noooo way!



*louder moan*

My eyes just about fall out of my head... I race back to their door and knock extremely loud. "Stop it please! I may really enjoy seeing your relationship but I do not want to hear you do it! Ew!"

*obnoxious laughter*

"Ahahaha, we won't! Ahahaha Relax! Hahaha!" Both Ivy and Sasha say trying to actually make sense.

I unlock the door overly upset by this and slam it open. "Please! Never ever ever, do that, like ever, again!" I just about explode. Sasha looks at Ivy and a unspoken agreement passes between them.

"Reiya..." Sasha says

"Are" Ivy continues



I stand there stunned for a second then wordlessly back out of the room and rush for the stars.

Two hands grab me, one belonging to Ivy the other to Sasha. They walk me to my room and sit me on the bed. Sasha then moves to stand at the door, Ivy sits beside me.

I look down at my lap feeling weirdly guilty. "Y-yeah..."

————————Ivy's POV————————

Sasha and I nod, actually absorbing her confirmation. I let out a shaky breath, realizing what that meant...

...Jake had... no...

"D-id h-e..?" I weakly ask already knowing the answer.

Reiya doesn't even look up, she just nods.

"O-oh..." I lean on her shoulder, hoping to lend her some sort of comfort, not knowing how she felt about it.

I had already knew Jake was messed up before he raped me... She only knew the little bits she had overheard... and from what I know happened, she was supposed to be his second chance...

My anger spikes and knowing it's useless to rage about the past, and ball my hands into fists. My nails have grown due to my vampire surfacing and my palms begin to bleed. Sasha walks to me, opens my hands and holds them even though they are all bloody and gross.

We all sit in silence for a while and deciding that Reiya probably doesn't want to be questioned, I shakily stand. Sasha steadies me then looks to Reiya.

"If you want to talk, you know where we are. I'm going to help Ivy calm down, feel free to call for me though."

Sasha then scoops me up even though I can walk and walks to our room. She sets me on the bed and looks through some drawers. She grabs two sets of comfy clothes, sets them on my lap and picks me up again.

Sasha walks us to the bathroom. She locks the door and sets me on the toilet with the lid down. Running the water she periodically feels the temperature, obviously aiming for it to be warmer than it normally would be. Looking at me she gives me a half smile, knowing that my thoughts are forming a raging storm in my head.

Turning the bath water off she sets in a bath bomb I had failed to notice earlier. We watch it fizz for a little then Sasha gets up from her crouched position and strips. Putting her clothes off to the side she moves the towels closer to the tub then turns to me. Wordlessly she eases my clothes off too, tossing them in the pile. Sasha lifts me into the bath then gets in herself, behind me.

The water helps to calm my thoughts and I slowly slide lower into the water then lean back onto Sasha. She just moves my hair out of my face and plants a kiss on my forehead.

(One hour later)

I wake up in Sasha's arms in the bed. We are both dressed in the clothes she had brought to the bathroom. She is unconsciously running her fingers through my hair, I look up at her.

"Did you sleep well?" Sasha asks a content look resting on her face.

"Yea..." I whisper back as my thoughts begin scrambling about how if she hadn't already, she definitely had seen my scars now... What will she think? Will she think they're ugly or that because of them I am weaker than people without some?

"What's on your mind? I don't want to push into your thoughts unless I need to, so can you tell me..? Please..?" Sasha looks at me knowingly and strokes one of my cheeks.

I look down at my hands "I j-just realized that y-you... you've seen my back clearly... I j-just—I'm just worried about what you'd think..." I was whispering to start but my last words were barely audible to even me.

Sasha gently but firmly grabs my chin, making me look at her. "I think that you need to accept your individuality because you are fucking beautiful."

I turn a bright red and since Sasha is holding my chin in place, I cover my face. I know how weird it is of me to blush at being called beautiful, especially since me and Sasha tease each other about so much less than innocent things but... I can't seem to help it.

Sasha let's go of my chin and I decide to cuddle right back into her. As I let myself relax, I remember what Oak and my dad had said. I never really got to know the Lord although I had been next in line to be the "right-hand" of the next Lord.

My father always had me go to the pack or Daisy's house if he had to travel somewhere when I was super young. Then we had discovered that I was supposed to be the next Alpha's mate... and let's just say that the Lord had not taken that well. The main reason being that the Lord didn't want a pure werewolf let alone an Alpha be the mate of his right-hand.

Sasha began stroking my hair calming my worries. I sigh and mind link her. "I don't think I will be able to still my thoughts, I need to go for a run. Want to join me?" She doesn't even bother responding verbally, she begins to get up.

I move out of the way and head for the door. "Won't you want to change into something less desirable? I can tell you won't be able to wait before shifting and I quite like that outfit on you" Sasha winks as she says this.

"Oh, well I guess I'm lucky because my clothes don't rip or constrain me when I shift. It surprised me at first but I got used to the idea." I shrug then continue my way to the door.

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