Chapter 60

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————————Oak POV————————


"I'm not normally much of a photo person... but I think I can make an exception for you..." I smiles and give Reiya a gentle side hug/shoulder squeeze.

She leans into me, surprising the both of us. I think it's been a while since she's been close with a guy, I like knowing that she trusts me. Reiya looks down at Mia who is still in my arms then looks at me, a hint of a smile on her face.

Slowly I leans towards Reiya and she doesn't freeze like I expected, instead she leans in too. I expect to close the gap but she smiles mischievously and does instead.

(Recap over)

I know I was definitely no expecting this because it's not like we haven't kissed before, but I swear this time it felt like there were fireworks dancing across my lips. I never thought any of the old stories to be true but, it seems that it is true that once the mate bond has truly been accepted, everything becomes so much more noticeable.

I don't think about it but I reach my free arm around her waist and pull her as close to me as I can. Deciding that Mia would probably not want to be sandwiched between Reiya and myself I gently set her down. Every time me and Reiya part to breathe I make a little pillow barricade to prevent Mia from rolling off the bed.

With both hands now free I pull Reiya onto my lap and draw imaginary shapes and symbols on her back. My other hand tangles itself in her hair and her hands are tangled in mine. There is no way to make our kiss any deeper and I love it. Having her as close as possible just makes me feel complete, she is a part of me just as my mother had been only in a different way.

Slowly Reiya pulls away but keeps playing with my hair and looks me in my eyes.

"Be honest with me Oak... what else happened yesterday that I wasn't told about..? Everyone was acting weird, Ivy, you, heck even Sasha! I only got one be safe message and it wasn't even one of those suggestive ones either! That's not like Ivy, she teases almost as much as Sasha! So what is going on?"

I gulp, I knew I wouldn't be able to hold it in very long but I have to do my best. "Huh, that is weird... maybe she got busy with Lyath..? Or maybe if Lyath was napping her and Sasha got it on, if you know what I mean *wink*"

Reiya stares at me completely unconvinced, "Really? That's the best you could think of?! Jeez you honestly aren't very creative..." she rolls her eyes, "Tell me the truth Oak... they're my best friends, the only people other than you who I can open up to. I want to know. Please."

I scrunch my eyes closed and gently massage the bridge of my nose. "I would... but I-I promised not to..." I sigh and divert my eyes to our laps.

"I could never forget but I will remember that it you kept it relatively secret. Only mess up was your attitude "

"I-I understand..." Reiya lifts my chin and kisses me again, this time no hesitation. When she breaks the kiss she looks into my eyes, "I didn't want to keep stuff from you, I just don't want to upset Ivy"

"I get it." Reiya hops off my lap and onto the bed beside Mia.

I move the pillow barrier from behind Reiya then remove the one on Mia's other side before I flop down too. Mia claps and laughs, loving our attention.

"Do you ever wonder what would have happened if you ended up with Ivy, your first chance? If I had ended up with mine I don't know what I would've done... But that's mainly because I grew up in a very controlling family." Reiya speaks in a soft voice as if not to scare me with her question but her eyes hold curiosity much more intense than she portrays.

"I used to, now I just take everything day by day. My father, well I guess I should call him Mr. Ryder, was always trying to convince me to pursue Ivy. It's clear now that all he wanted was for me to gain her trust enough to use her... I've never been that type of person and the fact that he had even considered suggesting that I force her into anything is preposterous. However, when I did think about it the part that always would stump me is if she would want to have a child. That decision would sadly be made for her because of my position so I always wondered how she'd feel about it. Now, I have no need to think of such things. I have no solid plans for the future because the present is obviously still happening. My only long term goals are to fix gender equality and potentially convince you to accept me." I can't hold back the small smirk that grows on my face as Reiya blushes noticeably.


"Don't you try to tell me you aren't thinking about it. Also don't think that you need to know right away. I want you to do what you feel is best for you. I've never minded waiting and I'm not about to start." I smile at her and peck her forehead, "Time to go grab ourselves some food, or do you want me to grab some and bring it back?"

"Could you get some..? I don't think your Coven likes me very much..."

"Okay, no worries and even if they don't like you, they will soon see what a strong woman you are." She blushes again and I replace the pillow barrier.

I head out the door and walk to the nearest staircase. After looking down the halls in all directions I lift myself onto the banister and slide down to the main floor. Some of the younger Coven members on the lower floor laugh as I pass them but the older ones scowl annoyed with my un-manly attitude.

At the bottom I hop off the railing and head towards the dining hall. I peek in and can see that breakfast is over so I head to the kitchen instead. Although I know that most people disapprove of how I conduct myself, almost everyone agrees with how I treat everybody.

"Good morning Lord Oak!" I walk into the kitchen and find the cook.

"Good morning Miss. How did breakfast go?" The cook smiles at my kind greeting.

"It went as most breakfasts do, not fast enough for me but too slow for everyone else!"

"Haha, that sounds about right. Is there anything I can do to make it go smoother? And if possible could I please get some leftovers..?"

"My Lord, you know my answer to your questions already! There's nothing that need to be changed or done and of course you can. I've told you many times boy, you need not ask for leftovers. Have a good day my Lord."

I nod and gather my favourites and grab a few more things that I think Reiya would like then walk through push door to use the microwave. Once everything's heated up I begin my climb up to my room.

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