Chapter 46

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———————Reiya's POV———————

It's the next day now and to say I'm worried would be an understatement... Ivy and Sasha haven't said anything about their new facial features. I was expecting them to at least get kinda mad but nope, nothing, nada! It's honestly really starting to scare me...

Glancing at Mia I decide she's probably going to be hungry, so I wake and pick her up. She doesn't do anything! All she does is stare at me and her tail as well as ears pop out. This obviously confuses me so thinking that there might be some food on my face, I head to the bathroom.

I take one look in the mirror and can barely believe what's on my face! Immediately I focus on the moustache and assume that since it's in purple as well as pink that Ivy did it. Next I look at the unibrow I now have and am 100% sure that Sasha drew it. "I should have checked once I woke up! Ugh... washable markers are easiest to wash of as soon as it gets onto skin, since I unknowingly left it for so long it will become quite the time consuming task.

(15 minutes pass)

I have been trying to get off all the marker on my face, but I've had very little success... I definitely left it on too long. I sigh momentarily giving up and decide to feed Mia before I continue.

Just as I had expected, Mia was pretty hungry. I didn't even have to try persuading her! I gently burp her then place her back into her bassinet, which I moved to the bathroom before trying to wash my face off.

Mia giggles at me as I keep trying to remove as much marker as I possibly can. She seems like she'll be quite the 'miss perfect' to most, but will also be a huge trouble maker... What a handful she'll be! I give up, no more marker will come off and I don't feel like wasting today just trying to clean some marker off.

I lift Mia then move the bassinet back to my room. Next I check Mia's diaper and pick a sweet little t-shirt for her. Mia clean and me as much as I can be, we look around for Ivy, Sasha and Lyath.

I have scoured everywhere inside, I head out front. Wow... damm... I should have just looked out a fucking window! They were right there! Jeez...

"What's up..?" Caution is my best friend right now, I don't know what they actually think about my little joke...

"Oh, nothing right now. You just missed Lyath's powers revealing themselves... It seems that he is air-aligned!" Ivy is trying her hardest not to stare at the moustache she drew.

"Oh, dang... I wish I saw that!" An idea pops into my head, "Hey, I'm wondering... Have you two started to plan..?" They look at me confused for a second . "Uh... Your wedding..?"

"Oh..! Um, no we haven't... it is only the third day that we've both been conscious and we now also have a baby to take care of. It's kinda been a bit busy, too busy for planning..."

"Eek! Well then that's perfect! I can plan it for you! I can also do the catering! Yay!" I jump on the spot and clap, "EEK! This is going to be Awesome!!!"

"Uh... okay? Sure... Just clear everything with us first..." Sasha sounds sorta confused, maybe because of my excitement... yeah... probably.

———————Oak's POV———————

I haven't been able to get much work done since I am waiting on the Council so I just need to manage my Coven. Not that there really is much managing to do... might as well go for a walk, maybe sketch some more.

I get my small art bag then put on my shoes, planning to go to a different spot today. Opening the door I take a deep breath in and sigh contentedly. It's a perfect day for sketching!

Letting my feet lead me, I think back on the sketch from yesterday. At the time I hadn't really paid much attention to last addition, so I pull out the sketchbook. Quickly I flip to the most recent piece I made and realize that I had drawn in a person, not just any person, Reiya! Huh... I guess I really do need to talk with Sasha soon. Hopefully, she will be alright with me visiting everyone...

Without noticing it, I seem to have walked to the place they are staying. I take a deep breath then walk onto the driveway and through the trees that line the property. Well, I guess I'm doing this...

First I see Reiya, a little newborn in her arms. Second I see Ivy, who is also holding a newborn only Ivy is sitting on the grass and Reiya is standing. Last I see Sasha, who is eying me cautiously.

I continue walking down the driveway, somehow keeping myself calm... Maybe because Reiya is here... or it's just that full fear hasn't set in yet... probably the latter...

"What do you want..?" Sasha looks a bit bored now that I'm here.

"Uh— well... I wanted to see Reiya and... her baby and stuff..." Wow. Great going man! Can I maybe use words properly? "*ahem* I mean, I am here to see Reiya and her baby. Y'know check on them and all..? You didn't forget about her being my second chance, did you?"

Sasha's eyes widen then she lets sarcasm join the conversation, "Oh! I guess I did. Whoops!" She shrugs and stops with the sarcasm, "I did actually forget... that night is really muddy for me, I hadn't been awake for a month so..."

"Sasha! Why are you being so extra?! Like, yea he didn't exactly defy his father but he was the one to call for ambulances and in case you forget he also promised the Coven that everyone will have equal rights... That's really big! The Coven is decades behind most others in the sense of progressiveness. Don't you remember how frustrated I always get when I talk to his father?" Ivy closes her eyes tightly and waits a second before reopening them, "He literally thought of women as baby factories and trophy wives! I don't know if I ever told you but, the day I turned 16 he looked pissed that I fought back! And when I declined being right hand for Oak, he looked relieved! He also was disgusted that I am engaged to you, another woman."

"Oh... I guess I never really thought about all that... You deserve an apology, Oak. I'm extremely sorry for only looking at the little things..." Sasha rubs one of her arms as she continues, "As long as you don't show up in the middle of the night or without any warning, you are free to visit. Just keep in mind that we will probably be moving to the edge of the town boundary..."

I nod and feel my muscles relax. "It's okay. You didn't know about a lot of that, you couldn't have! And here is my number, so I can actually contact you in case I feel like visiting."

Sasha smiles then enters my number into her phone before passing it to Ivy and then Reiya.

I smile back as all three of them send me simple 'hi, it's ___'. I send them each a 😊 back, then I left, happy to have a way of communication.

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