Chapter 13

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—————————-Ace's POV-—————————

I feel someone of equal rank as me cross the border into my Alpha's territory and decided to go check it out. Approaching the outskirts of our land I notice a somewhat familiar figure enters our packs land. Once he is within a few steps of me he demands to speak with my Alpha, not the current Alpha...

"Take me to your alpha, now!" The man shouts at me.

"My alpha is busy right now..." I respond after barely reaching out to Jake mentally to see if he was actually available, lets just say he wasn't... "How about I take you to the current Alpha? Im sure he will be able to help you."

"No, I said take me to your alpha" he blandly states as I finally realize who he is, Mr. Martin.

I shake my head. "No, I told you already, my Alpha is busy right now" defeated-looking Mr. Martin sighs, turns towards the border and begins walking to it. Suddenly, as I am starting my way back to the pack house, Mr. Martin races past me at his top speed! It's obvious his vampire is out for blood...

I half shift and quickly catch up, somewhat struggling to get fast enough to pass him. I finally whiz past and go to knock on my Alpha's office door but... instead it flys off it's hinges... whoops... good thing nobody was behind it... actually nevermind, it would have been better if the slut Alpha Jake is fucking (literally at this second...) was behind it.

A bit breathless I frantically spew "Mr. Martin is here and is demanding a meeting right now... I already tried telling him you're busy but he won't listen"

"Jake Stevenson! You dared to cheat on my daughter with this, this, this SLUT?!" Mr. Martin screams as he walks through the doorless doorway, his vampire trying to regain control.

"It's great to see you again — *the slut moans* — Mr. Martin. But as I'm sure you can tell — *another moan* — that I am quite busy at the moment..." Alpha Jake manages to get out while holding in moans of his own. "How about you come back tonight — *pause* — or tomorrow?"

I slowly start backing out of the room not wanting to hear anymore moans than I already have. It's clear Mr. Martin isn't going to take 'no' as an answer but he's not my problem anymore.

Once I make it into the hallway I quickly turn around and speed to my office which is thankfully on the other end of the hallway.

*Frustrated Scream* "Hey! We were busy!" Screeches Sydney the slut (that somehow has a good reputation among the adults and elders).

"I don't care that you two were fucking!!! I am here now to talk to your Alpha you horrible excuse of a teenage girl!" Mr. Martin shouts back.

*Crash!* "After this don't think that the peace treaty between my pack and you coven will remain unchanged!" Alpha Jake yells, obviously angered by whatever Mr. Martin did.

——————-One Hour Later-——————

Finally! Alpha Jake and Mr. Martin have stopped their bickering! Is it wrong of me to wish that Sydney was fatally injured..? Yeah? Oh, welp... That sucks, I guess I am not as good of a Beta as I should be...

I decide that as this pack's next Beta, I should probably go check on Sydney and Jake... I begin the way too fast walk back to Jake's office.

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