Chapter 53

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I reach the borders and exhale as I cross, feeling me pass the power circle that was put in place for protection purposes. Raising my face towards the sky I inhale deeply, trying to smell through all the chemicals. As expected I couldn't... So, I turn to examine the trees, ground and my surroundings attempting to find any signs of Sasha or Lyath.

Why can't I find anything?! Lyath usually kicks off his socks in obvious but excessive places, how has he not kicked one off? Normally I would get frustrated with him for kicking them off... now I'm practically praying that he has!

I decide that I should do a few laps of the borders in a pretty much pointless effort at finding something, anything! As I make the rounds I even try to mentally reach out to Sasha but, to no avail... I'm starting to think that she wasn't tricked into following whoever it was, she was almost certainly drugged. The question is, how? Sasha is the most observant person I've ever met, there's no way that someone could have snuck up on her!

Oh wait... I guess it is possible... It has happened before... I'm beginning to loose hope that I will get her and Lyath back any time soon. Without her, there's no point in planning our wedding. I don't want to be as pessimistic to think that I'll be spending Halloween, Christmas and possibly even New Years without them!

(Internal Conversation)

"We have to stop thinking this way Ivy! We have to push through this, we are strong enough and we will never give up on finding them! No matter what, they will be coming home."

"I know... We definitely can and will get through this. It's just so much Rose, to think that this time the only thing separating us is someone completely unknown to us... Hell, this person could want Lyath because of him being a hybrid, they could want to kill him for the same reason! Also they could be someone from Sasha's past, maybe that wants her dead! Or maybe they want her alive to get to us! There's do many unknowns and I can tell that the longer we aren't with them, the more unstable we'll become... Then there's also the fact that Lyath isn't weaned yet and he's also too young to be weaned! What do we do Rose? I wish it weren't true but I'm going to crumble without their support..."

"We will get through this! We have been through so much already, there's no reason we can't get past this too! Sure it's a fucked up situation but somehow we made it this far. Don't only look ahead, we should look to the past too. It may hurt looking back but, remember how strong we are. While waiting for me to fully surface, you held on through years of daily abuse. You also still went to school! Nothing could stop you, not even the worst of your injuries kept you from school longer than a day. We have been through hardships but it's just made us stronger, smarter, better."

"Yeah... you're right... We can do this, I can do this. We will do this."

(Internal Conversation Ends)

I take a deep breath and set my shoulders. I can do this, I will find them...

————————Sasha's POV————————


The door opens again but it's probably just Vee grabbing one last thing before setting off so I focus Lyath. He stopped crying as soon as Vee walked out, he's such a little monster! Of course It's annoying when he does stuff like that but, he's just so cute! I can't stay upset at him, it's impossible!

Suddenly I whip around at the sound of a floorboard creaking but see nothing, so I whip back around to pick Lyath up from the floor in front of me. My eyes go wide when he's gone and I frantically glance around the nursery, Lyath nowhere to be found! I race over to the crib on the right of the room. I lift the little skirt thing to check for him and see something! I reach for it but instead of clothes I feel fluff?! Grabbing the object, Ember attempts to surface. I push her back down, tossing the stuffy I pulled out and check below the crib that's on the other side of the room. I FIND NOTHING!!

"*Shout/Scream*" I suck in a gulp of air, "Who took my fucking son!? Whoever it was better get their ass in here and return him!!!"

"*humourless laughter* Now why, would I ever do that, babe?"

I spin on my heels, finding my ex-mate leaning on the doorframe, "*angered growl* YOU! HOW DARE YOU WALTZ BACK INTO MY LIFE AFTER YOU LEFT ME!?! You will give me my son back, and leave." My tone is menacing and furious, Ember clawing her way to the front.

"*more humourless laughing* Ah, yes... How dare I?" The son of a bitch mocks me!

"I'm seconds away from letting Ember take control, choose your next words carefully..."

"*actual laughter* oh... You never failed to amuse me, my dear..." he raises an eyebrow and tries to get me to react (he's giving me 'the smoulder' look)

I roll my eyes, "Ha. Ha. Ha... You really think that I would just let you show up and destroy my new, better, life? Jeez.. You really aren't too bright, are you?"

"Excuse me!?"

I cut him off, "You're excused."

My interruption obviously pisses him off because he charges at me, full vampire speed, and pins me to the wall with a hand to my neck. His eyes are lined red and I can tell he's both hungry as well as enraged...

In a slightly choppy (because he's strangling me) baby voice I say, "Oh — no... Did *gasp for air* I an—ger you..? *wheezing gasp for air*"

He bares his teeth at me and next thing I know, there's a prick on my wrist. Despite my best efforts my eyelids get droopy... I blackout...

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