Chapter 23

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In the middle of the night Chresanto got up to use the bathroom down the hall. As he went to the bathroom something extraordinary happened.

Dinah's eyes slowly fluttered opened. To everybody else it would've been a good thing, but to her it was scary.

She woke up and was confused. She didn't know where she was or why she was there. She saw the IV bag and how it was connected to her arm. She ripped it out in fright and jumped out of the hospital bed. She ran out of her room and past the nurses station. The nurses were at first shocked, but soon started to do the plan they had in case any of the patients went cuckoo and tried to run.

"Who are you?! What am I doing here?!" Dinah said as she put up her fists as the nurses were surrounding her.

One of the nurses stepped forward and Dinah swung at him but he dodged it.

"Dinah Jane?" There Nurse asked.

"Where are the girls? Where are the boys?!" Dinah said frantically getting more frightened by the moment.

"So you remember everything. Your past and present?"

"Yes, why wouldn't I?" She said calming down a little, not a lot, but enough.

"That's good, no long term memory loss... Dinah honey, I'm Nurse Jackson and we've been taking care of you for about a week. You were in a car accident."

"I don't remember that. I remember leaving the studio with Ally," Dinah said putting her guard back up.

"Yes, and afterwards you passed out and crashed. You were hurt and we brought you here," Nurse Jackson said as he took a step a little bit closer.

"Stay back!" She warned.

"I'm just here to help," Nurse Jackson said as he took another cautious step closer.

But then Dinah punched Nurse Jackson right in the nose and started to run.

"Shit!" He mumbled as he held his nose, "Get the boy and bring him to her. Don't let her leave this hospital! In Fact put the hospital on lockdown! We cannot allow her to leave. She's not strong enough yet! GO!" He yelled.

Half of the people on duty went to find Chresanto, the other half chased after Dinah. The half that went to go find Chres got to him just as he left the bathroom. He looked at them in a confused manner.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"She's awake!" One of the N informed.

"WHAT! Really?!"

"Yes! But she's scared!" Another nurse input.

"We need you to try to calm her down," a third nurse asked.

"Where is she?" He asked frantically.

"She's trying to get out, but we've put the hospital on lockdown so she can't, but we need to find her before she injures herself even more."

Roc took off in a sprint to find Dinah, he found her as she was being cornered by some of the nurses.

"Dinah we just want to help," Nurse Jackson said as he and the other nurses inched closer.

"Don't come any closer," she said half threateningly and half way scared as she put up her fists.

"Stop it your scaring her!" Chres said as he pushed his way through the nurses.

"Chres?" She said as her body relaxed.

"Dinah, baby, calm down. Let them help you. Let me help you. You're safe here. You're safe with me," he said walking towards her slowly.

Somebody UnexpectedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora