Chapter 43

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The rest of the week was spent on just winding down from Mondays incident. On Friday Chresanto had Royal, and he decided it was time for him to meet Dinah.

He, Royal, and Dinah spent the entire day together, they were like a tiny little family. But on Saturday they went out, but this time the date was very docile, or it was supposed to be.

Chresanto took Dinah to a restaurant in downtown L.A. They went in and took their seats.

"I had fun yesterday Chres, Royal is absolutely adorable," she cooed.

"Thanks, he says he loves you. He wouldn't stop talking about you on the ride back to his mother," he said with a smile, "You're good with kids D."

She laughed, "Well that comes naturally when you have 7 younger siblings and how many more younger cousins."

They laughed as the waiter came to their table. He was a rather attractive young man.

"Hi, I'm Jalen and I'll be your waiter. How are we doing this evening?"

"Fine, thank you," Chres answered.

"Great. What can I get you to drink sir?"

"A virgin Bloody Mary."

"Ok," Jalen said as he wrote it down,"And for the lovely lady?" Jalen said giving Dinah a wink.

Dinah saw Chresanto's face contort. She put her hand on top of one of his. He looked at her and she saw the anger and jealousy in his eyes. After the whole Ronnie incident he had gotten protective. And after the club incident he got REALLY protective. Like he wasn't letting anything get passed him. His feelings, now, always got the better of him, and it looked like they were about to again. He didn't think there was a difference between a sexual predator and a foolish flirting boy.

"Calm down," she mouthed.

He calmed down, but only because she wanted him to. When he calmed down she turned to the waiter.

"I'll just have water. Thank you," she answered.

"Ok I'll have those right up," Jalen said letting his eyes linger on Dinah a little to long.

After a couple of minutes Jalen came back with their drinks. He set Chresanto's in front of him. He did the same with Dinah.

"Uh, I hate to be a burden, but can I get lemon with this?" Dinah asked handing Jalen her drink.

"Of course," he said as he took the cup from her hands.

His hands met hers, as they clutched the cup. Dinah quickly retracted her hand, but Jalen just smirked and winked. And that was the last straw.

Chresanto abruptly got out of his seat, took Jalen and threw him against the wall. Dinah's water spilled to the floor, and Jalen looked at Roc in confusion and fear.

"Woah, woah, woah!"

"Don't woah me! Keep your eyes to yourself! She's mine! She doesn't want you!" He said as he held Jalen against the wall, creating a scene.

Dinah came up behind him, and rested a hand on his back.

"Chres, Chres stop. I don't like seeing you like this, you'll end up doing something you'll regret.Please stop," she worriedly whispered into his ear.

Chresanto relaxed at her request, but he didn't let Jalen go.

"Sir. SIR! I'm gonna have to ask you to leave," the Manager said as he ran up to the situation.

"My pleasure," Chresanto spat as he let Jalen fall on the floor.

Chresanto stormed out of the restaurant; with Dinah following close behind. He got in the car and slammed the door shut, while Dinah quietly got in.

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