Chapter 14

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They drove to Best Buy and got out of the car and entered the store. She walked up to the customer service.

"Hi, my name is Andy, how may I help you?"

"Yes, um I came in a couple of weeks ago and bought the new amazon tablet, but I asked if it could be customized, the guy said yes. So I was wondering if it was ready," Dinah asked.

"I'll look right into that, what's the name of the order?" Andy asked.

"Dinah Jane Hansen."

"Ah yes. I'll go get that for you," he said as he left to get the tablet.

He came back and handed her a box, "Now the store policy for customized gifts is that you have to check it before you leave so we can make sure everything you wanted is accounted for."

"Ok. Do you want to see what it is now? Or..." Dinah said as she turned to Chresanto.

"Like I said my presents are never a surprise," he reminded.

"Ok," she said as she opened the box and pulled out the tablet.

It had a customized back cover that had a depiction of a kings crown on the back with a real diamond on the top. Above the crown was a depiction of a ribbon that said, Long live the King. Underneath the crown was another depiction of a ribbon that said, Roc Royal, and then engraved in the crown itself were Chresanto August. She looked at it and then at Chresanto. He smiled and pecked her lips.

"I love it!"

"I’m glad, too bad you can’t open it til tomorrow," Dinah teased as she put it back in the box.

"I’ll be just as grateful tomorrow."

"Good. Now how much do I owe you for the customizing?" Dinah asked Andy.

"Well since you wanted a real diamond, it’s about $615."

"Ok," Dinah said as she gave the guy the money.

"Thank you for shopping at Best Buy. And I have to tell you that since it’s Christmas Eve the store is offering an extra 1 year warranty to any already pre-existing warranty on any product in the store, as a Christmas present."

"Well that’s good. Now if you break it in the next two years, you can get it fixed," Dinah joked.

Chresanto laughed as he walked out with Dinah with his arm around her waist. They walked to the mall that was right across the street and spent the rest of the day just hanging out and window shopping. It was a nice relaxing day, which just so happened to also be Christmas eve. When they were done at the mall it was getting late and they were ready to head back to Chresanto's place. They got in the car, and and turned on the radio as they drove. At every song they sang together. And then it just so happened that Work From Home by the girls came on. Dinah and Chresanto smiled at each other. Dinah sang her and the girls parts, and Chresanto/Roc sang Ty Dolla Sign's parts. By the time the song finished they had reached the apartment complex. As they stepped out of the car they walked in together like those cheezy couples on TV.

"We sing well together," Dinah pointed out.

"I know right. Our chemistry is strong," he responded.

They went into the apartment and Dinah immediately flopped onto Chresanto's bed, "I’m tired."

"Me too," Chresanto said with a smirk as he took off his shoes.

"Lets go to sleep," she said as she made herself comfortable in the bed.

"Ok," he said with a yawn as he laid down on the couch.

"Do you always sleep on the couch?" Dinah asked sarcastically.

"No, but you-" he started.

"I what? I don’t bite Chres. Come on sleep with me on the bed."

"I just didn’t know if you were comfortable with me sleeping with you in the same bed," he said with a smirk.

"Excuses, excuses," she replied with a laugh.

Chresanto climbed under the covers with Dinah. They both laid down facing each other.

"Today was fun, despite the circumstances," she said.

"Everyday is fun with you," he said.

They stared into eachothers eyes. To them no one and nothing else existed. They were lost in the silence, in the others eyes. Chresanto grazed her cheek with the back of his hand. She did the same but Dinah cupped his face and kissed him slowly but passionately. He kissed her back and as the minutes passed it got more intense. They only stopped for air.

By this time Dinah was parralel in the sense where he was lying down and she hovered over him. As it got more heated Dinah took off Chresanto's shirt he did the same to her. Her hands traced his abs as they continued to kiss. His hands held her at her waist, and travelled upwards to her bra. He started to undo her bra, but Dinah stopped him.

"Wait. Not now. Not yet," she said as she stopped kissing him.

Chresanto took his hands away from her bra, "Yeah, ok. Sorry."

"I’m sorry. I’m just not ready for that yet," she said as she laid beside him.

"It’s fine, I don’t want to pressure you into doing anything. It takes a while to get to that stage of a relationship," he said as he held her hand.

"How do you know," Dinah asked trying to get a feel of whether or not he was a virgin.

"From experience. Why? Don’t you?"

Welp there's the answer to that question, Dinah thought to herself.

"Um, yeah... Sure," she lied with an uneasy smile as she kissed him.

He kissed her back and when the kissed ended she bit his lip just a little bit.

"Kinky, I see," he said with a laugh.

"Whatever," she said with a laugh as she turned around, "Goodnight."

"Goodnight," he said as he wrapped his arms around her, kissed her cheek, and put his body close to her.

She didn’t object, so he didn’t stop and they soon fell asleep.

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