Chapter 13

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A/N: In relation to the MB boys their names will change depending on the situation in the story. During personal settings their real names will be used (ie Chresanto, Jacob, Ray, Craig, and Elijah). During shows, interviews, paparazzi, etc it'll be their stage names (Roc Royal, Princeton, Ray Ray, Prodigy, and EJ). Now on with the story!

"Dinah! We missed you!" Regina and Seth said as they hugged Dinah around her abdomen.

"Gina. Seth. Go to your room," Gordon said sternly from the living room.

"But Dad..." Gina and Seth whined.

"Go to your room!" Gordon yelled.

The two raced upstairs. Dinah turned to her parents, sitting on a couch in the living room.

"Sit down," Gordon said sternly.

"Dad, let me explain."

"Dinah Sit Down!" Milika said, surprising everyone, as she raised her voice.

Dinah obeyed, and sat down as Milika got up.

"Dinah usually I'd let your dad be the bad guy, but the news we just received is unacceptable!"

"Mom-" Dinah started.

"Silence! Simon told us you've been out and about in Florida getting drunk about beating people up. Since when did you start drinking again? Never mind, I don't even care about that. How could you be so reckless?!  That is one of many things, I will not allow you to make a mockery of this family or our people. And how can I let such violence around the kids?!" Milika chastised.

"Your mother's right, you're an adult now so we can't punish you per say, but we expect more from you. Doing things like this and doing what you did! We won't have it," Gordon added.

"What do you mean you won't have it?" Dinah questioned.

"We mean since you're doing these things you're on your own. We don't want this negativity around your brothers and sisters," Gordon explained.

Dinah's mouth dropped, "What? Why?! It's like I would ever do the same thing here. I'd never do anything to endanger the kids."

Milika sighed, "It's time Dinah. You're an adult. It's time for you to leave this house."

Dinah started to cry. Milika sat next to her, "We love you, you know we do, but this has got to go."

"But I," Dinah started to explain everything, but then she got angry at her parents for doing such a haste thing without knowing her side of the story, "You know what fine! I don't need you, or this! I can actually afford to live on my own and not with my parents and siblings til I'm 30! Unlike some people I know!"

"Aye watch your mouth girl. Don't talk to your mother like that," Gordon warned.

"NO! You don't talk to me like that!"

"I said watch it Dinah. Just because your 19 and a celebrity don't mean nothing. We're still your parents," Gordon said.

"I am done with you and this non sense, you don't even allow me to say my side of the story. I hope you remember who got you this house, since she's kicked out now I wonder how you'll pay for it! I hope you live fine lives, the both of you!" Dinah yelled as she stormed out of the house with her luggage.

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