Chapter 27

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Dr. Kelly came in looking neither optimistic nor pessimistic.

"Doctor, what's wrong with her?" Ally asked

"Why was she running? Why was she even out of the wheel chair?!" Dr. Kelly said ignoring Ally's question as she took off bloody latex gloves and threw them in the trash.

"W-w-we were just trying to get to this place in the hospital she was talking about, but she didn't want to get in the wheel chair," Chresanto started to explain.

"We thought she'd be ok. She was having fun," Camila added.

"Have you ever taken care of a child? You'd know that what they WANT and what they NEED are 2 different things! And it's the same with young adults just exiting their teens! She didn't WANT to be in the chair but she NEEDED to be. I don't care if you needed to force her in the chair, she was to STAY in the chair, and I'm sure I told you that before you left, didn't I?" Dr. Kelly said pointing to Chresanto.

"Yes, but-"

"No buts! Even if I hadn't told you, all of you should have had the common sense to know she should NOT be running after having just woken up from a coma. Not only has her body been immobilized for a week or so that her body would've had to get used to being active again, but she just got patched up from the internal bleeding. Because you let her run and encouraged it, based off the tapes I've seen, she re-opened her wounds! I have been in the operating room patching up something that could have been prevented. You're lucky I was able to find which ones opened. If I had had to check every internal wound I patched up before she would've certainly bled out! This has got to be the most irresponsible thing I've ever seen!" Dr. Kelly said as she practically yelled at the 2 bands.

"Look! She was having fun, she seemed happy! That's all I wanted! I'm sorry, you don't know how mad I am at myself for letting this happen! Seeing her hurt is the last thing I wanted! The fact that she was happy just got to me! In her coma she looked so sad, and then me actively knowing that she was depressed for months before that!" Roc yelled back then sighed, "It was good seeing her laugh and smile again..."

Dr. Kelly sighed as she washed her hands, dried them, then ran them through her hair.

"Look, I get it. Young love and what not, it's cute and I wish you the best of luck. But remember this when we roll her in. If she doesn't even try to get healthy, the happiness doesn't matter. Now if she had cancer, that'd be different. When you have something that has virtually no cure, happiness is the only thing you got, being healthy probably won't be an option. But in Dinah's situation where she has the capability of getting better, but then chooses to put her health in jeopardy (and friends who don't try to stop that kind of irresponsibility), it just seems ungrateful, especially to those who have no choice in what their health becomes. So you all can go ahead and love her and care about how she feels. What she wants and what she needs are two different things. Remember she needs to be healthy. We want her healthy..." Dr. Kelly said as she started to leave the room.


The doctor turned around.

"I-I-Is she alright? Dinah..." he asked.

Dr. Kelly gave an ever so faint smile.

"Yeah, she's alright. We patched her up good. I'll bring her in soon," she said as she walked out.

Half an hour later Dinah was rolled in by Nurse Jackson. She was awake, but barely. She was turned on her side trying to avoid everyone's gaze.

"Well I'll let everyone catch up..." Nurse Jackson said as he slowly walked out of the room.

"Dinah?" Chres asked.

"Dinah?" The rest of them said.

"Dinah come on, you can't hide from us," Chres said.

She turned around in her bed. Roc started to say something.

"Don't. Please, just don't. The doctor already talked to me AND she called my parents, who then yelled me. I know I should've just gone into the wheel chair, but I didn't and now I know better. I just kind of want to be alone," she said.

"But CheeChee..." Camila whined.

"Please, I just wanna be alone," she said in a barely audible tone as she closed her eyes.

Everyone exchanged glances as they started to leave the room, except Chres. It was just him and Dinah.

"Dinah..." here started.

Her eyes opened just a little bit, "Chres, I really just want to be alone."

"But D..."

"Please," she pleaded.


"Please!" Dinah interrupted him forcefully.

"Ok, ok. Fine," he said as he left the room.

She sighed as she watched him leave.

Why are you doing this Dinah? Her conscience basically screamed at her.

Doing what, she thought to herself.

(A/N conscience, thoughts same thing, but right now they're different)

Pushing them away. Pushing him away...

"I just wanted to be alone. Who says I was pushing them away?"

Dinah girl, are you seriously gonna lie to yourself?

"I'm not lying."

Come on now...

"Fine, I just don't want to see them disappointed in me, again..."

They're your friends AND your boyfriend, they just want to help.

"I don't want their help, I can take care of myself. I can't depend on anybody anymore I don't know what they'll do. I always end up doing something and they turn on me. First, the girls, when I lashed out cuz of Nela. Then my parents, when they thought I had been drinking. And then Chres when I chose family over him. Each time I couldn't help what they thought, even with the reasoning behind it. Either way they all turned on me, I still love them all but I just can't depend on them as much. I'm the only one that'll always be there, and I didn't want them to tell me what I did was stupid. I know I should've just gotten into the chair, and I will, next time. I just don't want help. I can take care of myself."

You want their help.

"No I don't."

You may even need their help.

"No, I don't."

Yes you do.

"No, I don't."

Yeah, you do.

"How would you know?!"-Dinah

Uh, Dinah?


I'm your conscience. I am you...

"Oh, yeah..."

Whatever, you're so hard headed. Bah Felicia.

"NO! Wait!"

Dinah sighed to herself.

"Maybe I do need help," she said to herself as she laid back down on her side and looked out the window.

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