Chapter 28

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An hour or two later, Chresanto came back in from the waiting room that everybody was waiting in, but by then they had gone back to the hotel. Dinah was sleeping, so he brought a chair close to her bedside and sat down, he meant it when he said he wasn't leaving the hospital until she did. He was gonna stay by her side.

15 minutes later Dinah woke up, and she saw Roc, who had his head in his hands. He looked worried; like he was having a bad day. She started to mess with his hair, and when she did he looked up at her with eyes full of relief.

"D, are you ok?" He automatically asked when he realized she was awake.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" He asked again as he began to hold her hand.

"Yes," she answered with a reassuring squeeze to his hand and a faint smile.

He smiled back at her, "Good."

It was silent for awhile.

"Chres?" Dinah finally spoke up.

"Yeah baby?"

"I'm sorry for getting... upset... Earlier."

"It's fine, I understand, everybody does," he said.

Dinah gave him a questioning look.

"We stood outside the door for a little while, when you told us to leave. We heard you, um... talking to yourself," he said nervously.

"Oh gosh... How much did you hear?" She said taking her hand back and hiding her face in embarrassment.

"Only the part where you said you didn't want us telling you what you did was stupid. We wanted to listen to more but Ally said to stop ease dropping. But babe, i-i-is there something we should be worrying about?"

"No, no. Nothing after that," she said.

"Ok... Well I just want you to know-"

"Chres, seriously the one thing you heard me say I don't want to happen," she said with a roll of her eyes.

"No, that's not what I was gonna say. I just wanted to tell you that none of us think that way. All we want is for you to get healthy."

"And I will," she assured.

"Yes, but..."

She gave him a look that said, Say it I dare you.

"Ok, ok. Forget what I was about to say. Just try your best to get better. The world misses your presence. The girls miss performing with you. The boys miss hanging out with you. And the Harmonizers, they just miss you altogether. Have you seen what they've done for you?"

"No," she said as she began thinking about how she hasn't heard anything from the fans.

She was beginning to think the Harmonizers had turned on her too.

"Crap, I forgot I wasn't suppose to tell you til after you got out of the hospital," he scolded himself.

Dinah snapped her head back to Chresanto, "What are you talking about?"

"Nope, I've said too much already," he said jokingly.

"Babe come on," Dinah whined as she took his hand in hers, "Please," she pleaded as she put on a fake pouty face.

"I really shouldn't," he said with a smirk.

"Awww, come on, PLEASE," she whined as she pulled out the puppy dog eyes.

"No fair, I can't say no to those."

"I know.l," she said as she smiled.

He rolled his eyes, "Fine, but you can't tell the others I told you."

She sat up eagerly, "Ok."

"Ok well the day you were admitted it wasn't long until the press told the world. So on the same day Harmonizers came in with gifts, many of them came in crying. Many have sent in gifts. Others, the rich ones, have paid for your medical bill!!! Like how crazy is that?!?! And then on the social media side of things the Harmonizers have had multiple hashtags trending including but not limited to: #PrayForDinahJane #DinahComeBackToUs #OfaAtuDinah #DinahGetBetterSoon #MissingDinahsTweets and my personal fav #DinahDefenseSquad which is in regards to you beating up that Miami guy, because the TRUE story has FINALLY came out but some people don't believe it, so the Harmonizers use #DinahDefenseSquad to defend you AND to show they want you to get better because they care about you so much. I remember this one girl said she came ALL the way from Tahiti to give you her gift, because you were her idol and she could not stand it if you died and she never got to meet you. So she's the only fan we let place her gift in here personally, it's right over there," he said as he pointed to a box on a table near the other end of the room, "The rest leave their gifts out front, cause we don't want this room being to crowded. The girls and boys take it back to the hotel whenever they leave for the day. We have literally had to get your presents their own hotel room, LITERALLY. We're STILL getting Harmonizers coming in with gifts. I bet if we went out right now, we'd see a couple hundred trying to make their way past the door."

Dinah laughed at that last statement, "Really? They're still here for me?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't they be?"

"It's just that um-" she started as she was contemplating whether or not she should tell Chresanto/Roc that she feels like everybody turns on her eventually.

"What?" He questioned.


"Ok... Well anyway don't tell the others I told you. They wanted to surprise you when you were discharged," he said with a small smile.

Dinah smiled back in return, "I won't."

"So what do you wanna do today?" He asked.

"Actually I'm just really tired, the surgery and drugs are taking a lot out of me," she said as she laid on her side and closed her eyes.

Chresanto sighed, "Oh, ok. I guess I'll just read a magazine or something."

Dinah smiled a faint smile as she listened to the disappointment in his voice.

"You know... I'm all by myself over here. I feel a little lonely..." she said as she opened up one of her eyes, and looked over at him.

He gave her a small smirk, as he turned back and continued to read his magazine.

"You are not teasing me right now?" She asked sarcastically.

Chresanto chuckled a little as he shrugged.

"Awww come on..." she whined, "Cuddle with me."

He chuckled again and continued to read.

"Fine, be that way then," she said as she closed her eyes again.

Roc laughed as he got up and kissed her cheek he started walking out, he was gonna go get something to eat, but Dinah grabbed his arm.

"What is it babe?" He said with slight laughter.

"Come on cuddle with me, before I go to sleep," she whined.

He playfully rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Fine..." he said as he climbed into the hospital bed with her, "Is this even allowed?"

"Who cares?"

"I do, obviously," he joked.

"Just shut up," she said with a smile as she snuggled up close to him and closed her eyes.

He smiled to himself, as he held Dinah close to him and watched as she drifted off to sleep.

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