Chapter 4

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Mindless Behavior exits off the stage after their performance. There's a 10 minute break from then until the girls went on, so they're gonna talk to the girls during that time.

"Hey, how's it going?" Jacob/Princeton asked before he noticed the pissed expression on the girls faces.

Damn, these girls are extra hella fine in person, Chresanto/Roc Royal thought to himself.

"Hi, it may not seem like it now, but I'm super excited to meet you. I've been a fan for like ever, but some shit just happened, so forgive us for our sour moods. I'm Normani. This is Camila. This is Lauren. And this is Ally," Normani said motioning towards each girl, "Oh and that, over there, is Dinah."

Damn! Shawty got back, Chresanto/Roc thought to himself as he looked at Dinah.

"Oh, well it's nice to meet you girls. I'm Jacob. That's Craig. That's Rayan. Thats Elijah. And that's Chresanto. Or, as our fans know us by: Princeton, Prodigy, Ray Ray, EJ, and Roc Royal," Jacob/Princeton introduced.

"Who the hell came up with your stage names? Sounds like a kid either pointed to a random word in the dictionary OR made up some words of their own," Dinah retorted.

"Dinah!" Normani snapped.

She got back, but she also got an atttitude. I don't like it, Chresanto/Roc Royal thought to himself.

"Naw, naw naw. Let the little trick say what she gotta say. You got a problem with my stage name?" Chresanto/Roc Royal asked.

"Yeah, and your real name too! What the hell kind of name is Chresanto? Was your momma drunk when she named you?"

"Now you want to bring my momma into this! I've been through a lot of shit this past year and I don't need your crap!" He defended.

"Awwww is the wittle baby upset? Did I hurt the baby's feewings?" Dinah teased.

"DINAH! That's enough!" Normani demanded.

"Jake I told you I didn't want to come on this tour! Just cause you have a crush on Camila, doesn't mean we HAD to come on this tour! On a tour with this rude ass fatty!" Chresanto/Roc Royal argued as he pointed to Dinah and stormed off to his dressing room.

Camila blushed at the mention of her name, while Normani was getting really embarassed. Dinah rolled her eyes.

"Well when you're ready to go on, which should be in like two minutes, I'll be entering on the other side of the stage," Dinah said as she stormed off to the other side of the stage.

"Hey, I'm sorry about him. He's been through a lot. He got into drugs, alcohol, theft, some gang activity, and then he got kicked out of the band for awhile. He's just got a lot on his mind, but that's not an excuse," Jacob/ Jake/ Princeton explained.

"No, no. He's all good. Dinah has just..." Normani started until Camila continued, "Dinah's just been out of it lately. Been going through some relationship issues."

"1 minute til showtime girls," the stage manager informed.

"Ok. Thanks!" Ally said.

"Well it was nice meeting you guys, sorry for the drama," Camila said getting ready to leave.

"Naw it's all good. We wish you girls good luck, especially you bonita," Jacob/Jake/Princeton said as he took Camilas hand and kissed it.

Camila blushed madly.

"Ladies it's time," The stage manager said as their entrance music played.

"Bye," Lauren and Ally said as they walked on stage

"See you later," Normani and Camila said as they immediately followed Lauren and Ally on stage.


Dinah walked over to the other side of the stage. It was two minutes til show time, but she didn't feel stressed or anxious. She felt like her regular happy go lucky self.

"God! That felt good! Saying all of that just took a load off! But what about the girls? I said some really mean things. It wasn't even me talking it was stressed Dinah! When I'm stressed I'm not me! I need to get rid of it somehow, but without Nela... Ugh, and with that boy from that group. I don't even know him I and was so rude. What have I done?" Dinah chastised herself.

As she finished up regretting her actions the entrance music played. She walked out on stage just as she had rehearsed with the rest of the girls, except for she was on the opposite side of the stage. She tried smiling in their direction but they avoided her gaze. They still looked pretty mad. During the show Dinah tried to do the plays they had rehearsed altogether in a group but the girls avoided her at all costs when they were on stage. She knew she had to fix this.

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