Chapter 5

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After the concert the girls seemed happier, but they were still mad at Dinah. They went into their dressing rooms to get ready for the meet and greet. They each came out at different times this time. Dinah takes the longest to get ready so she was the last one out. Usually all the girls would wait for her, or at least Camila would wait for her, but this time no one was there...

Dinah sighed sadly and walked to the meet and greet area where the girls were posing with a fan. Dinah jumped into into the shot and surprised everyone. She did the rest of the meet and greet with ease, the girls were mad, she could tell, but they posed for the fans. When they had talked and took a picture with the last fan the girls walked off immediately after, leaving Dinah in the dust. Dinah knew they wouldn't leave the venue for another hour or so. The girls probably went off to talk to the boys. While they did that she decided to go off and find a place to let loose...

She went to a secluded area of the building and sat up against the wall. She pulled her legs close to her chest and thought of all the terrible things she said today. How mad everybody must be at her...

She started crying quietly. Going off on everybody. They probably hated her even more, and she didn't know what she'd do with the girls hating her. They were gonna be her only family for the next few months.

As she cried she heard footsteps coming her way. She tried to shrink back into the darkness and go un-noticed but that didn't really work.

"Hey, hey you! What the hell are you doing back here? This is for performers only!" Chresanto/Roc said authoritatively.

Dinah looked up at the boy she had dissed earlier. When he saw it was Dinah he stopped walking.

"Oh it's your fat ass," he snarked.

Dinah didn't say anything. Chresanto/Roc clicked his teeth and started walking back the way he came.

"Hey," Dinah said getting his attention.

Chresanto/Roc stopped in his tracks.

"I'm sorry for what I said earlier," she said quietly.

Chresanto/Roc didn't say anything, but just continued to walk back to where the boys were talking with the girls. As he entered the room he sat down on the floor.

"Aye, your girl out there crying," Chresanto/Roc Royal said to the girls.

"Who?" The girls questioned.

"Diana, or whatever her name is," he answered.

"Dinah? I wonder what for this time," Camila said, "I'm sure she'll be fine."

The girls all exchanged questionable glances.

"On second thought. Maybe we should go check on her," Camila added as her and the girls ran out of the room together.

The girls went down the hallway where Chresanto/Roc came from and they found Dinah, but not easily. They were used to Dinah sticking out of the crowd trying to be seen with the rest of them, but this time she was trying her best not to be seen. It was Lauren who first noticed her curled up against the wall. The girls immediately ran to her and gave her a group hug. Dinah was shocked.

"Dinah, babe, what's wrong?" Lauren asked as she and the girls realized this was serious.

"Nothing it's nothing. Look, I'm sorry about what I said earlier. I wasn't thinking right and I didn't mean it. I really am sorry," Dinah apologized.

"It's ok DJ, it's ok," Camila cooed

"In fact it never even happened," Normani added.

"Yeah, and you know what, we're sorry we acted like children. We should've noticed that something wasn't right and tried to find out was wrong instead of avoiding you. And I just feel terrible because I'm the oldest and I should've been the adult and done something instead of acting like a 2 year old hiding from her older brother," Ally said as she started to tear up.

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