Chapter 8

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After New Zealand, everyone headed home. Camila and Lauren to Florida. Craig/Prodigy to Philadelphia. Normani and Ally to Texas. Dinah, Chresanto/Roc Royal, Jacob/Jake/Princeton, Ray Ray, and Elijah/EJ went to California.

Dinah drove home to Orange County while the MB boys stayed in L.A. The boys went to their homes in a somber mood. They had the time of their lives during the tour and now it was over. One, boy in particular went home feeling incredibly blue, twas none other than Chresanto/Roc Royal.

There was really nothing anybody could do about it either, well except for Dinah, but for obvious reasons that wasn't an option. But it wasn't any better with Dinah either. In fact after a month passed, after the tour Dinah received a visit from someone she hadn't even heard from in 6 months! Even after she returned home.

A loud knock came from the front door of the house. Everyone was out doing something except for Dinah. So she answered the door without asking who it was. When she opened the door the person barged in, in an angry frenzy.

"What the hell Dinah!"

"Nela... What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in DC?" Dinah asked.

"Because of this!" Nela said as he threw a piece of paper at Dinah.

Dinah picked up the paper and looked at it. It was a meet and greet picture from the Auckland, New Zealand show. But it wasn't just any picture, it was the one when her and Chresanto were kissing in the back ground.

"Where did you get this from?" She asked.

"Someone sent it to me on twitter, but that's not the point. The point is you cheated on me!"

"Look, I can explain," she stated.

"Explain? I don't need an explanation Dinah! You cheated on me and that's that, I don't want to know why! We're through! And jokes on you anyway, while I was in DC I met someone too! At least Miriama gave it up, multiple times!"

That there, bursted Dinah's bubble. While she was on tour he was cheating on her the entire time.

"What the hell do you mean? This picture is the one and only night I kissed him! The only we ever did ANYTHING! After the kiss I told him it wasn't right because I wanted to be with you! And you're telling me the ENTIRE time I was on tour you were cheating on me! Well fuck you Nela! You want to know why I kissed him? HUH!!! He was there for me when you weren't! He made me feel good while you made me feel ignored! You knew, you knew!!! That I needed to talk to you, to deal with everything that was happening!!!" She yelled.

"I was in DC! I forgot my phone. I know my mom told you. You knew I couldn't talk," he defended.

"That's the thing, you didn't even try to talk to me! You made the time to fuck some girl, but you didn't even try to find a computer our borrow a phone to talk to me! You didn't care enough to even try!!! And now I know why; you were with his Miriama chick!! You were supposed to be there for me. I needed you!" Dinah said as she started crying.

"Don't pin it all on me. I told you not to go on this tour. We lost six months together because you choose your career over me. I found Miriama, she was there. She may have not been worth anything but a good fuck but she was there when you weren't."

"You think I felt any better?! I didn't just leave you. I left my friends, my family! People I love a million times more than you! I leave them all the time... You knew what you were getting into when you started dating me. This is not like me and Siope when fame changed everything in our relationship. You knew from the get go I was in a girl group that travels and has obsessive fans. But it doesn't even matter anymore! You have Miriama right? Well I have someone too, someone better! Chresanto was there emotionally when you weren't and that's what I needed. Not physical attention but emotional support!" She defended/screamed, "You know what, I'm not even gonna fight for you anymore. I don't want you anymore! LEAVE!"

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