Chapter 31

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In the days following, the Amasio family would be planning Darlene's funeral. The funeral was filled with lots of music. Dinah and her mom sang Families Can be Together Forever, then everybody who came sang Love at Home, and at the end Darlene's husband and children sung Til We Meet Again.

There were a few talks and speeches in between each, and then at the end when they buried her, was finally when everyone just let the tears fall.

It was the moment during a funeral where everyone reflects on what's happening, and re-evaluates their life, and that included Dinah. And after re-evaluating her life she came to one conclusion, and it wasn't one that made her happy. Her conclusion came from the time when she lashed out on the girls and they turned on her, when her parents kicked her out, when she broke up with Chresanto/Roc, and the death of Aunt Darlene. You'd think that after all that she'd get the message to spend more time with her loved ones, but no...

Four months after the funeral, most everything was back to normal. Except for one thing, Dinah. Since the girls decided to postpone the next album, she had time to her and her family, but the thing was she wasn't spending time with her family. She secluded herself from everybody, even Chresanto, but it wasn't like the last time, which is what everyone was worried about. She didn't starve herself, she wasn't even sad this time, she just felt guilty. She ate, she wasn't depressed, she was just her usual self, but alone... Her guilt was from all those she had unintentionally caused harm to: The girls, her parents, Chresanto, Aunt Lini.

How must she had felt when Dinah didn't even call while in Florida, how Dinah didn't even say goodbye, or how she didn't check up on her while she was away. The guilt of all those she had disappointed was just a little to much, and solitary seemed like a viable option. That way she didn't hurt anybody, or so she thought...

It was Dinah's birthday, June 22nd, and Chresanto/Roc decided to attempt, yet again, to see her. Especially today, it was her special day, she was turning 20.

Over the past four months he's been trying to see her, but there was always an excuse. He knew it would happen again, but he didn't understand why this time. Her ignoring him, it killed him inside. He needed her to fix it. He stood outside her window (when everybody else was asleep) , knocking on it as he watched out for anybody, she opened it and looked out.

"Chres?" She asked a little too happy.

"Dinah, thank goodness, I thought you wouldn't answer," he replied.

"What do you want?" She and as she made it seem she didn't care he was here.

"It's your birthday."


"I came to say happy birthday, and give you a present, that's what a boyfriend does," he said as he leaned on the window sill, "Can I come in?"

She looked at the ground beneath her window as she contemplated what to do. He placed his hand on hers, "Please, I miss you."

She sighed and nodded her head. He smiled as he climbed through the window.

A short visit won't do anything, right? She thought to herself.

She walked over to her bed and sat on it cross legged. Chresanto followed her and handed her chocolates, and a small velvet box.

"Happy Birthday babe."

"I don't want anything, how long has it been? You've been in here for awhile. You should probably leave," she said getting paraoid, worrying that he was there for too long.

She literally thought that if the people she cared about were around her then they both would get hurt somehow.

"But I just got here?"

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