Chapter 1

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A video call takes place between L.A Reid and Simon Cowell.

"L.A who are we gonna get, on such short notice, to open up for the girls?" The British music mogul asked.

"Your guess is as good as mine," L.A said completely unsure of a decision.

"Wait! Didn't you sign Justin Bieber? Just ask him to open up for them!" Simon pointed out.

"You did not just ask me that? You can't be serious. We can't ask someone bigger than the girls to open for the girls! That's like you asking One Direction to open up for them!" L.A pointed out matter of factly.

"Yes but the difference between One Direction and Bieber is that my boys are still big and don't constantly get in trouble with the authorities," Simon pointed out smugly.

"Hey, Justin is still a very big star. He has more followers and fans than One Direction. And he's young; he makes mistakes. And don't act like your boys are in the clear. Ever since the hiatus you know both you and the boys are losing money. Is One Direction even a thing anymore," L.A Reid pointed out.

"Ok, ok we're getting off topic. We need to focus on the girls," Simon said avoiding the subject.

L.A sighed, "You're right. You're right. Let's just focus on the girls. Ok, we need to think Simon. Who is not bigger than the girls but big enough to be noticed whilst on the tour?"

"I don't know, what about Emblem 3?" Simon asked.

"Didn't they break up?" Reid explained.

"Oh yeah. I forgot."

"What about that one girl group from X Factor. Sister C I think their name was," L.A reminisced.

"No they took a break from the music industry to focus on college," Simon said.

"That's unfortunate... Good for them! But unfortunate for our situation. Hmmmm, well I honestly can't think of-WAIT! I know a group!!!" L.A said coming to an epiphany.

"Well spit it out!!!" Simon yelled.

"Mindless Behavior!!! They're a group I signed into Epic records. They opened for Justin Bieber back in 2010 and it was kind of their big break. The next 2 or 3 years they gained a lot of fans but in 2013 they broke up when their lead singer left the band. They replaced him that year and were back in the business. Then they're old lead singer came back, but then their rapper left, but then he came back! They're not as big as the girls, in fact this day last year the girls and them were at the same level of fame, but they're big enough that if they go on tour with Fifth Harmony it will accumulate more people at the show coming to see them and the girls. So instead of just Harmonizers on the tour; there will be Harmonizers and Team Mindless all in one place," L.A said excitedly.

"I'm looking them up now. I think I've heard of them. They seem like perfectly good candidates for the spot. You know a lot about them, tell me about them so I don't have to rummage through all these websites," Simon said inattentively.

"Ok well in the beginning they were just 4 regular boys. My team hand picked each boy individually. Jacob Perez, Princeton, is more of the spokes person of the group. I mean he sings in the harmonies and backgrounds and stuff, but we really only picked him because he worked with Travie McCoy a couple of times and was in a number of commercials. He was our Hollywood kid, but he could dance to. Chresanto August, Roc Royal, auditioned to be apart of the band during one of our many scouting events. He became the rapper of the group. He's also quite the dancer. He was also kicked out of the group last year, because he was just acting so unruly. He got into drugs, alcohol, theft, you name it, but he cleaned up his act and was welcomed back in. He's still in recovery tho, so he might be a little aggressive and or rude. Now Rayan, Ray Ray, is the dancer of the group. He helps the choreographer come up with dance moves for the group. We found him when we were tipped off by a couple of people saying that there was this kid, with two looonnnggg braids, who could dance crazy good. Those three were all from L.A. Now Craig Crippen, Prodigy the one who left, is still the lead singer of the group; he left in 2013 but came back in 2014. He was special. We found him on YouTube. When we heard his voice we had to have him. He started singing on Youtube at a young age, but that's not it! He also posted dancing videos! So we had to have him for both his voice and his moves! So we tracked him down and found him in Philadelphia. We talked to him and his parents and shipped them all the way from Philadelphia to L.A. But one day he decided to leave the group, he eventually came back. But during his leave he was replaced with Elijah, EJ. EJ was on Broadway. He played Simba in the Broadway production of The Lion King. It was a musical, so the boy obviously has a voice. Listen to some of their new songs that they came out with earlier this year and tell me if you like them. If you do, then I'll give them a call," L.A explained.

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