Chapter 34

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Three days passed and it was time for Chresanto to leave. He had spent the last three days with Dinah, and he still hadn't been able to tell her! Right now he was at home packing when he heard a knock at the door. He opened it hesitantly, afraid it was Dinah, but to his relief it was just the boys.

"Aye Chres? What's taking so long, our plane leaves in like 6 hours," Ray Ray said.

"I don't know, I just don't know how I'm supposed to tell Dinah? She was so excited to spend the summer together," he said.

"You haven't told her yet?! Dude we leave today!" Elijah exclaimed.

"I KNOW! It's just that whenever I try to tell her she looks so happy, and I don't want to ruin it. I just got her to start talking to me again..."

"So what's your plan, wait til she calls you and you say you're in New York?" Craig joked.

"Look, I don't know. I'll just have to tell her sometime today," he said.

Meanwhile with Dinah

Her phone rang as she was getting ready for the day.


"Dinah! You actually answered! That's new!"

Dinah chuckled, "What's up Lauren?"

"Nothing much, I'm just missing Jake, so I thought I'd try giving you a call, another go. Why have you been ignoring me and the girls for so long?"

Dinah sighed, "It's a long story Lo, I'll tell you later. Or you could ask Chres either way you'll find out. And I'm really sorry about the ignoring you thing."

"It's fine Dinah, as long as you're alright. Speaking of Chresanto, are you gonna go see any of the shows the boys are doing while on their tour. I was thinking of going to the one in Tampa, but that day I'm supposed to perform the national anthem at one of Taylors' games-" Lauren started.

"Wait, what do you mean am I going to see any of their shows?"

"The boys are going on tour? They leave for New York today to announce and start their secret tour. Well secret to the fans, obviously you and me know and their families."


"Dinah, woah babe. Calm down, what's wrong?"

"Lauren I'm gonna have to call you back."

"Ok," Listen said questioningly as Dinah hung up.

Back with Chres

"I promise I'll be done before the plane leaves. Just go say your goodbyes and stuff and I'll meet you at the airport," Chresanto said.

"Fine, but bruh, you better go meet Dinah or something because she will not be happy especially since it's day of," Jacob informed.

"I will, I will. Right after I finish packing," Chres said as he ushered them out the door.

When they were finally out he packed for another half hour, and was finished. He decided to go see Dinah, but then he heard an angry sounding knock on the door. He knew what he was in for, he hesitantly reached for the door and slowly opened it, and that's when she barged in.

"When the hell were going to tell me?! When the plane left?!" Dinah yelled.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry," he said trying to quiet her.

He knew this was gonna happen. He knew she was gonna find out somehow.

"I had to find out through Lauren! Making me walk around town looking like an idiot!" She yelled throwing her arms up in the air.

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