Chapter 33

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When Dinah and her family arrived at Disneyland Chresanto was already there, waiting patiently. When he saw Dinah he lit up, and so did she. With Seth in her arms she ran over to him.

"Hey baby," he said as he held her by her waist and pecked her lips.

"Hey," she said with a smile.

"Ewwwww," Seth said with a disgusted look on his face.

Dinah chuckled.

"Awww, I love you Seth," she said as she kissed her baby brother's cheek.

"Yuck!" Seth said as he wiped his cheek of Dinah's kiss.

Both Dinah and Roc laughed

"Can we just go ride the rides," Seth asked.

"Of course baby bro," Dinah said as she pinched his cheek.

She held Chresanto's hand as they walked over to her family.

"Chresanto, my future son in law! How are you?" Milika said as she hugged him and kissed his cheek.

"Hi Milika," hesaid as he hugged her back, "Hi Mr. Hansen," he said as he stuck out his hand for Gordon to shake.

Gordon looked at his hand then pulled Chresanto in for a hug, "Boy we're Poly, you're never getting a handshake from us."

The rest of the family greeted him to before they all entered the park. They went on all the rides! Dinah had such a great time with her family and boyfriend! The last ride was the Tower of Doom. No one else wanted to go on it but Chresanto did.

"Come on D, lets go on it!" He begged.

"But I don't wanna..." she whined.

"Come on, please!!!"

"Ugh! Fine..." she said finally caving in.

He grabbed her hand and they ran to the tower, and with their V.I.P passes, they got to go in immediately. They sat next to each other. He intertwined his hand with hers.

"Scared?" He asked.

"Me? Never! I've been on this ride before Chres, nothing here scares me anymore," she said with a smirk.

"Oh, well excuse me Miss Independent," he said sarcastically.

She smiled her world famous, toothy grin.

"Love you," she said as she kissed his cheek and rested her head on his shoulder.

He kissed her head, "Love you too."

Just then they started to move.

"Here we go," she said as she looked up at him.

He smiled as they waited for the ride to get higher and higher, and then came the plummet to the ground. He shut his eyes tight as everybody else screamed, including Dinah, which is who he heard the most. When it was all over the first thing he noticed was her tight grip around his arm. He looked down at her, huddled close to him with her eyes shut, he chuckled.

"I thought you weren't scared?"

Dinah opened one eye and looked around, she quickly got off of him and fixed her self.

"I wasn't. I just fell asleep at how not scared I was," she said matter of factly.

"Mhm, so you scream like that, in your sleep?" He said with a smirk.

"Well..." she started trying to think of something clever, "Only with you."

Chresanto choked on air causing Dinah to laugh as she exited the ride. He followed her off amused at her humor.

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