Chapter 20

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Dinah drove home and nobody was there. She figured they all went over to her aunty's house to kick off the New Years, her mom probably went and got Kamila from the dance and took her there too. She ran into her room and slumped onto her bed. She looked at a stuffed bear that Chresanto had gotten her on their 3rd or 4th date to the carnival.

She took it into her hands and looked at it, she remembered all their dates and the secrecy behind them. She remembered all their good times, but then she remembered she'd probably have no more days like the ones she remembered/cherished all because she broke up with him. She grew angry at herself. She threw the bear at the window and started to scream. She threw her pillows anywhere she could and just completely trashed her room! A temper tantrum if you will. She hated what she did, at least now she did!

I could've found a way! But I didn't try hard enough!" She yelled as she ripped up some paper.

She continued to make a mess of her things. She screamed as loud as she could, so loud she didn't even hear the car roll up and her mother walk into her room.

"DINAH! WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING?!" Milika yelled as she rushed into Dinah's room.

Dinah turned towards her mother with red puffy eyes that still gushed out tears, as she continued to throw her tantrum.

"Awww, Dinah baby. Come here" Milika said as she approached Dinah.

"NO!" She yelled, "This, all of this, is your fault!" She said as she backed away from her mom.

"Shhh, Dinah baby. Come to mama," Milika cooed as she steadily approached Dinah and tried to encircle her in her arms.

Dinah sadly & angrily mumbled something as she attempted to resist her mother and her offering of comfort, but eventually she gave in. Her mothers arms encompassed her and she sunk to the floor, taking her mother with her. Dinah cried into her mothers embrace.

"Everything's gonna be ok Dinah..." her mother assured.

Dinah shook her head as she continued to cry.

'But it'll never be the same...' she thought to herself as she cried herself to sleep in her mothers arms.

The next morning Dinah woke up on her bed, and she didn't know how she got there, but there was a note on her night stand. She groggily picked it up and read it.

Dear Dinah,

I'm not gonna ask what's wrong, mainly because I think I know. I had this exact reaction when I broke up with my first REAL boyfriend, he was your father. It was after a stupid fight, but as you can see, we fixed that. What I'm trying to get at is, everything's gonna be ok. You are a beautiful young lady and you'll find someone else...

The letter went on, but Dinah didn't read the rest, she started crying tears of frustration and thankfulness. She knew her mother was just trying to help, and she was thankful for that, but she gave her an ultimatum.

Not to get back with Chresanto/Roc but to that she'd find someone new. She didn't want someone new, she wanted Chres but it was obvious her parents wanted anything but that. She continued to cry as her mother came in to check in on her. When she saw Dinah was indeed crying she sat down next to Dinah on her bed.

"What's wrong big girl? Did you read my letter?"

Dinah nodded her head as she wiped away her tears.

"So why are you crying?"

"Because mom," she sighed out, "I don't want somebody new or better, I want Chres."

Milika sighed, "I don't know what to say."

"Just leave mom, not only did you and dad make me break up with him; even if I wanted to get back together, he doesn't want the same thing. He said it himself, so I guess you're happy now," she said as she turned around and faced the other direction.

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