Chapter 32

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The next morning she woke up and saw Chres by her side. She smiled slightly as she stared down at him; playing with his hair. She looked down at him and started talking to to the air, thinking he was asleep.

"You... You always come back to save me no matter what. You always say I changed you; that I saved you from a life that was going down the wrong path, but that was one time. But you save me all the time. It started on tour when you saved me from myself. You stopped the crying, the beating up of myself from myself, the days of emotional struggle... When I was confused in the hospital, after waking up from the coma, it was you who reassured me of everything. When the haters struck again, it was you who was there for me. You saved me last night in fact. You always save me, and I can never thank you enough. I can never repay you. You've stood by me no matter what, and I couldn't ask for more. I love you and I'm sorry for everything," she said as she kissed his forehead.

She saw a smile form across his face, and that's when she knew he was awake.

"Chres..." she whined as she slapped his arm, "What the hell? I hate when you do that."

He chuckled as he attempted to hug her around her waist.

"No, kai tae," she said as she pushed him off.

"I Love Yooouuu!" He said in response.

"Nope," she said as she turned away from him with a smirk on her face, "Kai tae."

"Come on baby, I know you're not that mad," he said as he sat up, leaning on his elbows.

She smirked as she turned to look towards him. He flashed his famous toothy grin and she fell head over heels.

She rolled her eyes, "Get over here."

He sat straight up and pulled her to him. He rested his forehead against hers. Their lips slowly came closer and closer together, but right as a kiss was about to happen...

"You know I love you right?" He said against her lips.

She nodded as she bit her bottom lip.

"Do you trust me?"

She nodded again.

He created some space between themselves as he put his hands on each of her shoulders and looked her in the eyes.

"Tell me about last night. In fact just tell me about the last four months. I want to know."

"Chres why? It's over, all I want is you. Can we just forget any of that ever happened."

"Dinah I just want to help."

"I don't need help anymore, just gimme you."

"Dinah..." e said as he crossed his arm.

She pouted and fell back on her bed.

"You're so frustrating some times you know that," she said as she ran her hand through her hair.

"I just want to help."

"Wanna help? Then just kiss me. You don't even have to kiss me, just cuddle with me. I've missed you."

"Not until you tell me."

Dinah sat and pouted, as she refused to talk. She really did miss him and just wanted to cuddle and feel his lips against hers. As she sat and pouted, she got an idea.

For about a year now, she had become good friends with Ronnie Banks, and Chres could not be anymore jealous of their relationship. Admittedly they did get a little close at times, but they were nothing but friends. She had no feelings like that for him, (at least that's what they tell themselves) and he had no feelings like that for her; they were just friends, like brother and sister really.

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