Chapter 15

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The next morning Dinah woke up and turned around to face Chresanto. He was still asleep so she watched him sleep for awhile before she tried to get out of bed. But when she tried to get out of bed she forgot that his arms were wrapped around her, so when she tried to get out he pulled her back down, slowly. She rolled her eyes.

"Baaabbbeee," she whined.

He smiled with his eyes shut.

"Chres, come on," she whined again.

"Noooo. Stay here with me," he whined with his eyes were still closed.

"Ugh, fine," she said as she laid back down.

Chresanto smiled as Dinah went back to the sleeping positon she had been in, but she couldn’t fall back asleep. She tossed and turned and eventually decided to wake Chresanto up. She pecked his lips again and again until he kissed her back. When they separated he didn't want her to stop so he slightly bit her lower lip.

"Now who’s the kinky one?" Dinah said with a smirk.

"Whatever, you’re the one who decided to wake me up with your lips," he said with a small chuckle as he stretched.


"So you can’t blame me. You’re irresistible."

"Why thank you," Dinah said with a smile as she hopped out of bed now that Chresanto no longer held her down.

She went over to the best buy bag from yesterday, and brought it back over to the bed, "Merry Christmas."

He reached under his bed and pulled out a long jewelry box.

"Merry Christmas babe," he said as he handed Dinah her present, took his present, and kissed her cheek.

She smiled and opened her present. She gasped and took it out. It was a black pearl pendant.

"I love it," she said as she hugged him.

He hugged her back, "A Polynesian pearl for my Poly queen."

"Awww!" She cooed as she kissed him, "I love you."

"I love you too," he said as he kissed her back.

His cold hands touched her skin, and she jumped a little. She totally forgot her shirt was off, from last night. She grabbed the blanket and tried to cover herself.

"Really?" He questioned as he raised his eyebrow.

"What? I don’t like showing this much skin. I don’t feel comfortable. I’m not used to being exposed like this in front of someone."

"Dinah I think I've seen more skin than this when we were on tour purely just because of your costumes," he pointed out.

"That's different, that's work. This is my personal life. I've never-" she hesitated.

"Wait, wait, wait. Are you a virgin?"

She slowly nodded her head.


"Well that doesn’t change anything right?" She asked.

"What? No, no no. I just thought-cause last night-I just-I don’t know. You said you had experience."

"I lied. I just didn’t want you to think that I was this goody goody who doesn’t want to do anything," she explained.

"What, never! I love you for you. All of you. For all that you do, all that you don’t do, all that you have yet to do," he said as he took the blanket, "I love you for your thoughts, your actions, the way you light up the room, the way you secretly laugh whenever people argue because you think it’s funny, the way you sing, the way you play with your hair whenever your nervous or playful, the way you bring out the best in everybody, the way you smile, the way you protect those you love. I Love, literally, EVERYTHING about you. You don’t have to hide anything from me. Be it the fact that you’re a virgin or your body. I want you to be comfortable around me. In your own skin. Now, that doesn’t mean we have to be like this all the time," he said gesturing to their shirtlessness, "But you don’t have to hide when we are. And I won’t take advantage of you, I promise. I feel like that’s what your afraid of."

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