Chapter 18

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Back at the Hansen house her parents were waiting in the kitchen when Dinah arrived back at home.

"Where have you been?" Milika questioned.

"I went to go get my phone," Dinah answered.

"From where?"

"His place," Dinah replied as she grabbed an apple to eat.

"His place? As in that guy from yesterday?" Gordon asked.


"I thought you didn't know him," her father said.

"Come on dad, I was living with the guy of course I knew him."

"Is he the boyfriend everyone else has seemed to meet EXCEPT for us?" He continued.

"I wouldn't put it that way, but yes," she said as she took a bite of her apple.

"What did he do to you, last night?"

Dinah narrowed her eyes cautiously, "Nothing."

"I don't want you seeing him," Gordon said finally getting to the point.

"What?!" She said spitting out her apple.

"You heard me, you seemed really mad at him last night, so he must've done something really bad, and since you don't want to tell me what he did. You can't see him."

"I'm an adult. You don't control that aspect of my life anymore," she pointed out.

Gordon chuckled, "While you're under my roof I do."

Dinah couldn't argue with that, their roof their rules, she could move out, but she wasn't ready to live on her own. She tried that at the beginning of her career and just ended up being really lonely.

Dinah stormed off to her room, and flopped onto her bed in frustration. She screamed into her pillow. A few minutes later her parents came in, and sat on her bed.

"Dinah you know we love you," her mother comforted.

She ignored them.

"And we know you think we're out of line, but we're the bosses here," she finalized.

She continued to ignore them.

"And everthing we do has a reason. We don't want to lose you. Not like before," her father expressed.

"So please just listen to us. We know what we're doing. We raised good children, I mean just look at you," Milika days with a slight laugh.

Dinah laughed a little as she faced her parents, "Fine, but only because we're family and family goes over everything."

Her parents looked at eachother and smiled.

"We taught you well," they both said as they kissed her cheeks, and left.

Dinah smiled.

What am I gonna do, family over everything is what I live by. I have to listen to my parents. I'm gonna have to break it off with Chres, I don't want to, I love him so much, but I'm gonna have to, it's the only thing, and it's only until I'm ready to get my own place. As soon as I get my own place, but family has to come first. For family. For the family. I can't lose my family again... Dinah thought to herself.

She would soon find out it'd be easier said then done...


The next day, Dinah decided it'd be better to break it off in person instead of over the phone. She drove to his place and hesitantly knocked on the door. He opened the door and smiled when he saw her face.

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