Chapter 22

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Dinah had been in her coma for 7 days now, everyone was really worried but they had jobs. Fifth Harmony had scheduled some interviews that they went to do, and Mindless Behavior had scheduled a few shows and interviews. But they rescheduled them so that one of the groups would always be with Dinah. And the ones they couldn't reschedule they worried on. But when they had those Chresanto stayed with Dinah, he stayed with her all the time, even when MB went to their shows/interviews. They performed without Chresanto, which worried their fans. Their fans thought they had kicked him out again, but Roc straightened everything out. And while the girls and the guys stayed at hotels he slept at the hospital.

On the 7th day of Dinah's coma, both groups had an interviews that would last until late at night.

"Are you sure you're fine Chres? We won't be back til tomorrow," Jake/Princeton informed.

"Yeah I'm fine, you guys go. Have fun," he assured.

"Ok..." Jacob/Princeton said as he walked out hand in hand with Lauren.

The rest of the MB boys followed, then the 5H girls.

"If something happens you'll call us right?" Ally quickly asked before they left.

"Yeah," he said sadly as he held Dinah's hand.

Ally felt so bad for him; he was beating up himself about Dinah. Normani had gotten to him, he completely blamed himself. But he shouldn't have, it wasn't completely his fault. He shouldn't have been doing this to himself.

"Chres, stop blaming yourself," Ally said as she gave him a hug to comfort him.

He didn't say anything he just squeezed Dinah's hand harder and tears fell from his eyes.

"Promise me you'll stop blaming yourself," Ally pleaded.

He looked up at Ally with glistening eyes, "I can't promise that."

She sighed sadly.

"Ally, come on!" Camila yelled from the hallway.

"We'll talk tomorrow," Ally said as she ran out of the room to catch up with the girls.

Chresanto sighed as he rested his head on the edge of Dinah's bed. He lifted it back up and looked at Dinah, she looked so lifeless. He held her hands in both of his, as more tears streamed down his face.

"Dinah baby, stay with me, I'll do everything I can on my part to help you get better, but you have to show us you're still in there. I'm sorry for everything wrong I've ever done. I'm sorry for not telling you about my son. I'm sorry for sleeping with that girl right after we broke up. I'm sorry for not standing up for you in front of Desiree, but I love you so much baby girl. I love your personality. I love your voice. I love your pride for your culture. I love your pride in religion. I love how you have standards for yourself. I love your smile. I love how you look. I love your laugh. I love your heart, how you care for everybody. I love how much you care for your family, even though it's the reason we broke up, I love it because it shows how loyal you are. How you're such an amazing sister and daughter. You were my amazing girlfriend, and I miss you. I need you back, we all need you back. And I promise as soon as you're better I'll treat you right, if you want to get back together that is. If you don't I get it, but if it's because of your parents again I'll talk to them, I'll beg them, I'll show them that I'll treat you right and care for you. Please come back baby and we'll be happy together..." He said as he kissed her hand and cried into it.

He felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up and saw Dinah's parents. Gordon's hand was on his shoulder.

"Mr and Mrs. Hansen, I'm- I'm- I'm sorry. I didn't know you'd be here," He said as he stood up to face them.

"It's fine... You know we heard everything you said?" Gordon pointed out.

"You did?" He asked nervously.

"Yeah, and you messed up a couple of times, but I also heard what you said about Dinah. You seem to really love her," Gordon responded.

"I do sir."

"How long have you been here?" Milika spoke up, "In the hospital?"

He looked at Milika, "Since the night of the accident, I havent left this room unless I had to go to the bathroom, and the boys go out and get me something to eat."

"Really?" Both parents questioned.

He nodded, "I'm not leaving her side until she wakes up, I'll be here for her when her eyes open."

"And what if she doesn't wake up? What if my baby girl stays in a coma for years," Milika questioned.

He shrugged, "In all honesty I guess I'll probably have to move into the hospital because I'm not leaving her side," he insisted.

Milika nodded her head in approval, "You know before today we never really knew anything about you, infact we still don't, but we know more than we did before. Before all we knew was that you were dating our daughter and nothing more."

"Do you know why we told Dinah to stop dating you?" Gordon asked

He shook his head.

"Because we knew nothing of you and the one time we do hear of you it's because you made Dinah cry on Christmas, so you can see our displeasure?" Her dad pointed out.

Chres nodded his head guiltily.

"Well now I'm hearing you profess you're love for her in the middle of the hospital and showing it by not leaving her side, and that's someone I want for my daughter. When you were talking to her you said you'd talk to us and beg for you and her to be together," Gordon pointed out.


"Well forget it, because you have our blessing," Milika answered.

Chresanto immediately went up to the two of them and gave them hugs, "Thank you, thank you! She'll be so happy and I'll take care of her I promise."

"Welcome to the family son. You've got the girl but she comes with the rest of us too," Gordon said as he shook Chresanto's hand.

They all laughed.

"Chresanto we'd like some alone time with Dinah can you give us a minute?" Milika asked.

Chresanto looked at Dinah hesitantly; he didn't want to leave her.

Milika noticed, "You don't have to go far, just outside the door."

Chresanto nodded as he stepped outside the room. He watched Milika and Gordon talk to Dinah. They were apologizing for everything they did and telling her how much they loved her. They pretty much did what Chresanto did. When they were done they let him back in.

"We have to go back to California to take care of the family, they're all sick and sad, but when she wakes up give her this for us," Milika said handing him a letter.

"Ok I will," he said taking the letter.

Milika smiled at him as she left the room.

"Take care of her, I'm trusting you," Gordon instructed.

"I will."

Gordon smiled as he shook Chresanto's hand as he followed Milika out. Roc sat back down in his place at the side of Dinah's bed.

"Did you hear that baby, we can be together," he said as he grabbed her hand and kissed it.

He smiled and soon fell asleep with his head on the edge of her bed as he sat in a chair. It was an uncomfortble position but it would do.

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