Chapter 25

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"Ooooooo, you better call em, Gordon is scary," Ally warned.

Dinah nodded in agreement, "Can I borrow you're phone? I don't know where mine is."

"It was destroyed in the crash," Ally explained as she handed Dinah a phone.

Dinah quickly dialled her dads number.

"Hello? Ally? What's up?" Gordon said assuming it was Allu because of caller ID.

"Dad?" Dinah questioned.

There was no response.

"Daddy?" She asked again.

"Dinah? Is that really you?" Gordon said in a shakey voice; you could tell he was crying.

"Yeah, yeah it's me dad," said as she started tearing up.

"What? How? When?" He spilled out as he continued to cry.

"I woke up last night dad... I'm sorry I didn't call you earlier, I don't have everything together quite yet," she said as she laughed slightly and continued to cry tears of joy at hearing her father's voice.

"Dinah, Dinah, hold on baby. I'm gonna drive home and get your mom."

Dinah could hear movement in the background, then driving. She figured he was at work and was driving home; his work place wasn't that far so she was on hold for like 5ish minutes. She heard her father say something and then she heard a scream.

"Dinah?! Dinah? Is it really you?"

"It's me mom," she said as she choked back tears.

"Dinah, thank goodness, you're alright! Is everything ok? We came to see you a couple of days ago, but we had to come back. Do you need anything? We've prayed every night for you and aunty every day," Milika said as she started tearing up.

"Everything's fine mom. I don't need anything but rest and then I can get back to work. And what do you mean me AND aunty. What's wrong with aunty? Which aunty?!"

There was no answer.

"Mom, mom? What's wrong with aunty?"

Dinah heard sniffling on the other end.

"You don't need to worry about that baby. Just worry about getting better. I'll tell you when we come to see this week," Milika answered.

"Ok..." Dinah replied uneasily.

"Now, Dinah, where is that boyfriend of yours? I've got a bone to pick with him."

"How so?"

"Well the fact that we gave his butt permission to date you but he doesn't even call when you wake up! Who does that?" Milika sassed.

"He was taking care of me. It wasn't his fault," she defended  with a smile as she looked at Chres.

"Still, let me speak to him, actually I think your father has this," Milika said as she handed the phone back to Gordon.

"Fine..." she groaned as she handed the phone to Chresanto, "They want to talk to you."

Chres gulped as he took the phone, "Hello?"

"Chresanto right?" Gordon questioned.

"Yes, sir."

"The next time you don't call us for something this serious you're in a world of pain, understand?"

"Yes sir."

"Good. Now. I want to thank you for taking care of my little girl. I heard that you've been helpin her since she's awoken. We are eternally grateful."

"No problem sir," he said feeling a little bit better about himself.

"Now, can you take care of her until we're able to get up there again?"

"Yes, of course. I'll do everything I can to make sure she's well taken care of."

"Way to make me sound like a dog," Dinah whispered to Chres.

He smiled and kissed her nose, she giggled slightly.

"Stop being so adorable!" Camila whined.

Both Dnah and Chresanto laughed a little, but then he motioned for everybody to be quiet as he was still on the phone.

"You know we're starting to warm up to you, when we come out there and if Dinah feels good. We'll all go to dinner," Gordon offered.

"That sounds cool Mr. Hansen. I'd love to, and I'm sure Dinah would to."

"Sounds like a plan. Ok, well you have a good day, and would you give Dinah back the phone?"

"Sure," he said as he handed Dinah the phone.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Dinah, you listen to the doctors ok. We're gonna be there tomorrow or the day after, tell the girls we said hi. But I've got to get back to work," he said.

"Ok dad."Dinah

"I love you Dinah!" Milika screamed in the background.

Dinah laughed a little, "I love you to mom!"

Now Gordon laughed, "I also love you Dinah, don't ever forget that..."

"I won't. I love you too daddy."

Gordon smiled slightly, "Bye sweetie."

"Bye dad," she said as she hung up.

As soon as Dinah hung up Camila jumped into her lap, "Oh my gosh Dinah! You're so adorable and amazing! That's why you're my goals for everything! Dancing goals! Body Goals! Relationship Goals! And now Family Goals! The way you and your family interact, I swear, it's the sweetest thing in the world."

"Awww, why thank you Chancho," Dinah said as she kissed Camila's cheek.

And for a second there, Rayan/ Ray Ray looked a little jealous.

"Well what should we do today?" Chresanto asked.

Dinah wasn't allowed to leave the hospital yet, doctor's orders. So it was then that for the first time ever, since the bands have been together, was it completely silent, because no one knew what to suggest.

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