Chapter 30

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The next day, both were awaken when Dr. Kelly shook them.

"Sorry to, um, interrupt your slumber, but I just have a few questions to ask Dinah about how she felt when she went out."

"Ok," Chres said as he hopped out of the bed and sat in his chair, beside it.

Dr. Kelly stood at the foot of the bed, as she flipped through papers.

"Comfortable?" Dr.Kelly asked as she looked at the dress Dinah still had on.

Dinah shrugged, "Yeah. I'm used to it."

"Ok then, well I just have a few questions to ask you."


"Last night did you feel uncomfortable."

"Yes," she answered referring to how she felt about the hate.

"I mean physically. I know what happened last night, and I'm sorry, those people are wrong, but I'm not looking for the mental effects of that. So, can you answer the question again?" The doctor inquired.

"Physically, no I felt fine," the young girl corrected.

"Ok, did you feel any oddities in your abdomen area. Striking pain, a splitting feeling maybe?"


"Any spit up of blood?"

She shook her head.

"So overall you felt good, normal?"


"And Nurse Jackson said he didn't notice anything off last night," Dr.Kelly said to herself as she flipped through her papers once more, "Dinah I'm happy to tell you that you're healthy. Almost as good as new."

"Really?" She said happily as she looked at Roc who flashed her a smile.


"So does this mean I can leave?"

"Yes, I'm gonna get your discharge papers here in a sec, and let you pack your things. Then hopefully I'll never have to see you again, unless it's at a concert," the good doctor said with a smile and a wink as she left to get the papers, but before she left, "And Dinah."


"You're a good person, don't let some idiots on the street mess with your head."

Dinah smiled, "Ok, Dr. Kelly. I won't"-

Dinah jumped out of bed and started collecting the very few things she had.

"I get to go home," she said happily as she went over to Chresanto.

"I know, it seems like you've been here forever."

"I have to call the girls, can I see your phone babe?"she asked through smiling lips.

He smiled at the word babe, he hadn't heard her call him anything but Chresanto or Chres for months.

"Yeah, here you go."

Dinah took the phone, and continued to call the girls at their hotel room in California. They had to leave Florida to do a couple of small shows and signings in California. They had told Dinah that they were leaving, and she said it was ok.


Dinah could tell it was Normani's voice, "Mani! It's me."

"Dinah! What's up? Is something wrong? Do we need to come over?" Normani said with a voice full of worry.

"No, no! Just get everyone together."


Dinah could hear Normani trying to gather everybody.

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