Chapter 12

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At the airport the girls were silent. When it was time to head their separate ways they had a really emotional moment. They had a group hug before they left.

"Everything's gonna be alright. Even if this does become a big deal, which I doubt, we'll get through it," Ally assured.

Dinah and Normani smiled down at Ally.

"I'm not even worried about that. I'm worried about my mama and how she gon beat my ass when I get home," Dinah joked.

That made everyone laugh.

"Well these two days have been nice. I'll see you soon girls," Dinah said as she headed to the terminal leading to the plane going to Cali, as Ally and Normani went to the Texas one.

Dinah slept the whole way, while on the plane. When she landed she got nervous about confronting her parents. It was 2 days before Christmas and they'd be mad, especially since they think she was drinking. She didn't expect her parents to pick her up, like they usually did, and she was right. They weren't there. She almost called a cab but she heard her name being called in the crowd of people.

"DINAH!" Someone yelled frantically.

Dinah looked around, but saw nobody, She went back to her phone.

"D!" Someone yelled frantically once again.

She looked up immediately, only a select group of people called her that. Her family and Chresanto. She looked around for the person whom the voice belonged to. Then out of a group of people, he popped up in front of her face.

"D." He said as he calmed down.

"Chres? CHRES!" Dinah yelled as she threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly, and buried her face in the crook of his neck.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her tight.

"I missed you..." she mumbled against his skin.

Chresanto laughed a little, "It's only been 2 days babe."

"A lot of crap can happen in two days baby."

Chresanto/Roc nudge her head out of the crook of his neck and looked her in the eyes, "What are you talking about?"

Dinah sighed.

"You'll find out soon," she said with a somber tone as she turned her head to face the ground.

Chresanto/Roc tilted her face up, with his finger, underneath her chin so that she was looking at him, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's nothing," she assured.

"I know when something's up with you. Come on just tell me," he insisted.

Dinah rolled her eyes, "Can you just give me a ride home?" She said avoiding his gaze and his statement.

"Yeah, yeah. Sure," he said as he held her right hand, took one of her suitcases, and started to walk out of the airport.

In her left hand, Dinah rolled her luggage along side her as she held Roc's hand. They were in the center of the airport on the top level. They took an elevator to the ground floor with a whole bunch of other people. As soon as the elevator door opened Dinah and Chresanto/Roc were met with paparazzi. Everyone else in the elevator was able to leave but the paparazzi followed the celebrity couple.

"Dinah! Why did you beat up a Miami civilian last night?" One of the paparazzi asked.

"Dinah! We heard you and the girls were drinking last night. Can you confirm or deny this?" Another one asked.

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