Chapter 16

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A/N I do not know nearly as much about Chresanto/Roc's family as I do about Dinah's, so most of the things about his family are most likely, definitely not true, at least the things I write, unlike Dinah's where most of the things I put in about her family are true, as far as names and stuff goes, but not with Roc

Dinah and Chresanto went back to his place and changed and quickly drove to his parents house. As they walked up the steps Dinah was feeling jittery.

"Chres what if they don't like me?" She worried.

"They won't like you, they'll love you," he assured as the door opened.

"Chresanto! Good to see you man. Come in, come in," a man welcomed as he, Who's the honey you got with you?" He said as he bit his lip.

"Best watch yourself Jamal, that's my girl," Chresanto said as he entered the house.

"Sorry, my apologies. But let me properly introduce myself I'm Jamal, Santo's cousin," Jamal said as he took Dinah's hand and kissed it.

"Nice to meet you," Dinah said nervously as she pulled her hand away.

"Jamal I said watch it," Chresanto warned.

Jamal rolled his eyes and walked away, "Aye Aunty! Chresanto's here!" Hr yelled.

Next thing you know a semi-skinny, semi-husky woman comes barging out of the kitchen, heading straight for Chresanto. And the first thing she did was slap the back of his head, lightly.

"Boy didn't I tell you to be here on time," his mom chastised.

Chresanto rubbed the back of his head, "Yes ma'am."

"So why are you late?"

"We got caught up," he said.

"We?" His mom questioned as she finally seemed to notice Dinah, who had been standing beside Chresanto the entire time.

"Yeah, mom this is Dinah. Dinah this is my mom."

"Nice to meet you Mrs. August," Dinah said as she gave Chresanto's mom a hug.

She hugged her back immediately.

"I like this one already Santo, she's friendly! Not like that Desiree, all she did was wave when we first met," his mom revealed.

"Mom..." Chresanto groaned, indicating to not talk about Desiree.

"What?! Sorry, but I better not be getting another grand-child you hear me. You still as young as before. Anyway, I have to go finish cooking, I'll see you soon," she said as she went back to the kitchen.

Did she say ANOTHER grand child? Does Chres have a kid? No, she must be talking about one of his siblings. Or I'm hearing things... Dinah thought to herself.

Chresanto gave a nervous smile. "Well that was mom. Let me introduce you to everyone else," he said as he introduced Dinah to his dad, siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, etc.

"Well that's everybody, and what'd I tell you they love you!"

Dinah laughed a little and put a strand of hair behind her ear, "Yeah, they're all really nice."

"Yeah, but I got to warn you they can be hardcore ghetto some times," he said as he sat down.

Dinah laughed as she sat beside him, "Hey, Chres can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah, sure," he said as he draped his arm over her shoulder.

She began playing with his fingers, "Um- well your mom mentioned she had a grand kid, but you never mentioned you had a niece or nephew."

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