Chapter 11

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" Hello?" Dinah answered groggily.

"Dinah! Where are you and the girls?! You were supposed to be at the studio at 5 for your glams before the interview!" Their manager yelled through the phone.

"Oh Crap! What time is it?!" Dinah said as she got up in a frenzy.

"It's 7 and you girls need to get here in 30 minutes if we are to at least give you all the simplest of glams!"

"We'll be there soon," Dinah assured.

"You better."

When she hung up Dinah made all the noise she could to wake up the girls.

"WAAAAAKKKKKEEEEE UP!!!!!!" She yelled as she threw things at the four sleeping girls.

The girls screamed.

"You need to get up! We have an interview today! And we're late for glams!"

"Shit, you're right," Ally cursed.

"Can y'all keep it down. I have a terrible headache," Lauren groaned.

"I think you all do," Dinah said as she tore off their blankets, "It's called a hang over."

"I know what it's called. I've had one before," Lauren retorted as she got up slowly.

"Well I haven't. It sucks," Camila whined.

"And that's why I don't drink," Dinah said as she tried to rush everybody.

"Nooo, you don't drink because it's against your religion," Normani clarified as she tried to soothe her head.

"Yes, but the reason behind the church's wanting us to not drink is because it harms your body in ways like a hang over and the liver thing," Dinah explained.

The girls groaned in pain.

"Lets go. I'll make you this hangover cure I learned from my uncle," the youngest member offered.

"I thought you said people in your church don't drink," Camila remembered.

"Well my uncle is an inactive member of the church. He hasn't gone to church since he was 18," she said as she pushed the girls out the door

"Ok, so what's this hangover cure? Because I've tried everything in the book and none of them work," Lauren argued.

"Well it has apple cider vinegar, grapefruit juice, water, and lemon juice," Dinah said as she led the way to the kitchen of the hotel to order 4 special orders, "Yes. Hello. Can I please get 4 glasses with 1 cup water, 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar, 2 tablespoons grapefruit juice, and 1 tablespoon of lemon in each. Oh, and a Mango Pineapple smoothie," Dinah kindly asked the chef of the hotel.

"You got it. And since I absolutely love you girls it's on the house," The Chef said.

"Thank you," Dinah said with a smile.

"No problem. I'll work on those personally," The Chef said as he smiled and walked away to make the drinks.

After a couple of minutes the chef came out with their drinks on a platter, "Here you go ladies."

"Thank you, but I can't just not pay you."

"No, no. It's on the house," The Chef insisted.

"Surely we can give you something," Dinah replied.

"Actually can I just get a selfie with you?"

"Of course," Dinah said as she posed for the camera.

The chef took the picture, and then Dinah grabbed her phone to take a picture to. She posted it on twitter.

"Thanks," The Chef said as he went back to work.

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