Chapter 17

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The next day Chresanto continued to sulk in bed but Dinah was having a happier time as she surprised her siblings, who had been asleep when she returned home last night.

"Mommy, what's for breakfast?" Regina asked as she rubbed her sleepy eyes.

"Well hey there sleeping beauty," Dinah smirked.

Regina looked up in shock.

"DINAH!" She yelled at the top of her lungs as she ran and hugged Dinah.

Seconds later the 5 other siblings ran into the kitchen after hearing Gina's statement. As they reached the kitchen and saw Dinah.

"DINAH!!!!!" The rest of her siblings said as they attacked her with a hug.

"I missed you guys..." She said as she hugged them back.

"We missed you to..."

Dinah kissed them all on the cheeks. They all stopped hugging her and stood in front of her talking, except for Seth, who clutched onto Dinah for dear life and wept silently.

"Seth, baby bro, what's wrong?" Dinah asked concerned.

"I don't want you to leave again," he cried.

"I'm not going anywhere any time soon, not until the next tour, but you can be a big boy about it right. Because I know you're so brave and strong that you'll be able to wait for me when I go on tour again. Am I wrong?" She asked.

Seth wiped his eyes, and shook his head, "No, I'm a big boy."

"Good. Come on, all of you, lets take a selfie. This is a memory worth capturing," she said as she reached for her phone, which should have been in her pocket, but it wasn't

She patted herself down as her siblings looked at her in a confusing way.

"What's wrong?" Kamila asked.

"I can't find my phone," Dinah answered as she started looking around the kitchen.

"Maybe it's in your room," Vaka suggested.

"No, I never leave it in my room, I'm always afraid one of you will take it if I leave it in there," Dinah said as she continued to look, but then it hit her, "Shit. I left it at Chres' place."

"What did you say?" Ohio asked with a smirk.

"What? Nothing."

"Dinah said a bad word," Gina teased.

"I did not," she denied.

"Yeah you did," Seth said with a laugh.

Dinah laughed a little, "Go to your room, and don't tell mom and dad."

"Or what?" They all said with fake sass.

"Or I'm taking back all the presents I gave you."

All 6 turned around and went to their rooms, the presents Dinah had gotten them were the best they've ever gotten. Dinah laughed at the sight of her siblings scurrying away from her. It was funny but now she had to worry about her phone. She didn't know how to get her phone back. She couldn't call Chresanto for it cause she didn't have a phone. So she grabbed her keys and drove her car to his place. When she got there she hesitated to knock, but eventually she did. After a couple of minutes the door opened.

"What do you want?" Chresanto said before he realized who was at the door, "Dinah?" He said in relief as a small smile formed.

"Hey," she replied.


"I-I-I left my phone here. Can I get it?" She stuttered.

"Yeah, yeah, sure," he said as he let her in.

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