Thomas Part 2 (Request) (Miny Series)

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Part 2 of the Miny Series! Credit for the idea goes to @shaytheloser, and the request is from @RebeccaLooby, so I hope you guys enjoy it!


"Hello," Thomas calls into the window, Minho sticking his head through the shattered glass to try and see inside.

"Help!" The voice screams again.

"I have to go inside," you say, starting to lift yourself up into the ledge outside of the window.

"Wait what? No! You cant go in there on your own," Thomas protests, grabbing onto your arm to stop you from going inside, making you cringe from the bullet wound.

"Thomas, I'm the only one who can fit through here, and I'm not leaving one of the guys behind," you tell him, crouching down on the edge to be at his height.

"No! You cant just go in there! There are cranks, and who knows what else!"

"You would do it for me. Wouldn't you?" This seems to make him rethink his response, and his grip on your arm lessens. "I'll be fine. You just have to trust me," you tell him. The whole situation felt like it should be cheesy, like how the boy promises the girl that he will return to her from one of your romance books, but it didnt feel like that. It just felt right. Promising Thomas that you would come back seemed like the most natural thing ever, even though you had known him for only a few weeks, and ever since you had met him, your life had turned to chaos.

"Help me!"

You turn away before Thomas can say anything else, and crawl through the shattered window.

Once your inside, you turn back to Thomas and Minho.

"Ok I'm gonna go try and find him and the others. If I'm not back in an hour, head towards the city. That's where the footprints were leading."

"(Y/n) be careful," Thomas says while Minho hands you a flashlight that you click on.

"Hypocrite," you joke, giving him and a worried Minho a soft smile before turning away from them and running further into the building. The cries and screams for help came in a steady stream, allowing you to follow the sound. As you got closer and closer, the voice of the screamer became clearer, and you were able to identify it as Frypan.

"Fry! Where are you?" It sounded as though you were on top of the screams, but you found no trace of your friend.

"(Y/n)! Down here!" You look over the edge of the railing, and realize you are on the second floor. Frypan is down on the first floor, dragging an unconcious Winston up onto a pile of stacked tables, with a group of four cranks clawing at them from below.

Your brain immediatly started trying to think of ideas of things for you to do to try and save both of them, but all of them included either sacrificing yourself, or throwing yourself at the group of cranks, which didnt sound much different from the first option. Looking off to the side you see a small pistol sitting on the ground. "Oh please work," you beg outloud, picking up the small gun.

You shut one eye, and aim at the crank closest to Frypan and Winston, and pull the trigger. It fires with an almost deafening boom, making you wince from the noise. A small crash sounds afterwords, and you see that you hit one of the cranks. You aim again, and again, and again, and each time, another crank drops to the ground dead.

"Are you ok," you ask Frypan once all of the cranks were dead.

"I think so. But I'm not sure what happened to Winston." Thats the first time you notice the big, bloody gash across his stomach. It almost looked like claw marks. "Have you found any of the others? I looked away for a minute, and you guys were gone."

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