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Description: You and your friends just escaped WICKED and your friends are worried about you because of some sort of test they did on you. Your awake in the middle of the night, and Newt wakes up and cuddles with you while confessing his love.

"Guys let's hide here," Thomas suggested, and Minho walked up to him.

"Listen here Thomas you don't make orders. I do. I'm the leader," Minho looks in the spot Thomas had just seen. "Guys let's hide here for the night," Minho says, and you mentally roll your eyes. Even in the worst situations, Minho was very, oh what's the word... petty, I guess.

You and your friends crawled under the large slab of concrete, and laid down in a circle. The only thing you were missing was a camp fire, then you would be fine. Of course you didn't have the supplies to make a fire, so you just snuggled deep into the light jacket you were wearing.

There were a few minutes of silence, and people getting settled in for the night when Frypan spoke up. "Guys. What do you thinks gonna happen to us," he asked in a sad tone.

"No way to tell," Minho tells him. "All we can do is keep moving and try to find the Right Arm."

You wanted that to happen. You clung to his words like they were a life line, and tried to imagine what the Right Arm would be like. Would they really be able to help you guys, or would it just be another disappointment in this world? You sighed, and leaned your head back on a rock, and curled your arm underneath your head. You curled your knees to your chest, and tried to sleep as much as possible.

After a few minutes, when everyone thinks your asleep, they start talking again.

"Do you think she's going to be ok? I mean who knows what WICKED did to her," Winston mumbles. He was referring to the fact that Thomas found you in a lab with needles poking into your skin, and you were half drugged out of your mind when they were trying to escape.

Someone sighs. "Out of all of us she's the one who would be ok after one of WICKEDs tests," Newt says, and you hope they can't see you blushing. "She's the strongest out of all of us shanks."

"Ya but what do you think they did to her to get that scar," Frypan wonders, and you mentally cringe. There was a long jagged pink welt along your cheek. All you know is that you went to WICKED without it, and you came out of WICKED with it.

"Don't know. But I guess we'll never find out, cause we're never going back there," Newt states as if he's trying to convince himself more than anyone else.

There are mumbled yeses and ya's throughout the group of boys. It's silent for a while, and then you hear Frypan say, "Well I don't know about you guys, but I'm gonna get some sleep before we're running for our lives again."

"Same here," Winston and Aris say at the same time, and you hear two other people settle down in the rubble.

You lay there for who knows how long. Minutes? Hours? But eventually you sit up when you hear everyone snoring.

You started to think about everything that had led up to this point. You had been stuck in the maze for three years, and then you were rescued. WICKED took you away from your friends, and immediately took you to do some tests. But on your second night there, Thomas discovered it was still WICKED, and you all broke out. Now you were sitting around keeping watch for cranks, and trying to figure out what you were going to do.

You sigh when you think about what might be in the near future.

"Hey you ok," Newt asks in a kind tone while looking at you.

"Oh. I thought you were asleep," you mumble while keeping your head down, trying to hide the ugly scar.

"I can sleep about as much as if I were in a bloody griever infested maze, so that adds up to pretty much not at all," he tells you, and you chuckle at his attempt to make a joke. "So are you ok," he repeats a little more clearly this time.

"I don't know. I mean what's going to happen to us out here? How are we going to find the Right Arm, and how do we know if we're all immune? It's just a lot to think about I guess," you say while rubbing your eyes with the palms of your hands.

"Well that's just what we get for following Thomas I guess," he reply's, and you chuckle.

You stare off into space for a while, until a light breeze comes through the slab of concrete your hiding under. You shiver while wrapping the edges of your light jacket closer to your body. Newt sits up, and scoots closer to you, and slings an arm over your shoulders.

At first you were kind of nervous over the gesture because you had a major crush on Newt, but after a minute, you snuggle deeper into his side, and lay your head on his shoulder. He readjusts his arm to somehow bring you closer to him, and you smile. You sigh in relief just feeling safe in his arms.

"Do you know what they did to you," Newt asks all of the sudden.

You sigh. "Trust me. If I did I would tell you," you growl, mad at WICKED for permanently scaring your face. "I guess they don't care how ugly they make me look just as long as they find a cure."

"You not ugly (Y/n). So what you have a small mark on your face. That doesn't make you any different from the sweet, caring, loving, sarcastic, showoff I met in the maze. Doesn't make you any different from the girl I fell in love with," he whispered the last part, and you jerked out of his arms.

You looked at him with a shocked expression, but he just smiled at you softly. Without really realizing, you started to lean in. He did the same, and when your lips were centimeters away, he looked into your eyes as if asking for permission. You answered his unasked question by gently setting your lips on his.

It was a sweet short kiss, but a kiss no question. When you pulled away, you looked into his eyes, and smiled. He brought his hand up, and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. Then he slid his fingers gently over the deep ugly scar over your cheek, and you subconsciously leaned into his touch.

After a minute, you snuggled back into his side, curling in towards his body to keep warm. He wrapped his arms around you, and kissed your cheek where the scar was.

"G'night Love," he whispered in your ear as he wrapped his arms tighter around you.

"Good night Newt," you whisper back, and somehow fall asleep in his arms.

Hey guys! Ok so I hope you liked this one. I know it's short, but I think it's pretty cute. Please please please comment what you think, and send requests.
Anyways peace out for now my fellow shanks. I love you all, and please stay safe!

The Maze Runner: Newt ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon