Seperated in the Scorch (Part 1)

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Description: In this one, you and Newt end up getting separated from everyone instead of Brenda and Thomas. Also it's a lot longer ways away from Marcus's house then in the movie, so you are stuck with each other for a few days. But what happens when your scared to start caring for the blond boy because of something that happened to the last boy you cared about? And how will Newt react when he sees what WICKED did to you before you escaped?

The metal door to the stairs creaks open as you walk down to the garage with Brenda. Jorge had caught a group of boys on camera running into the warehouse during the storm, and he wanted you two to go bring them up.

"No ones come out of the Scorch in so long. How do you think they made it," Brenda asks you curiously, but there's a hint of sadness in her tone. You know she's thinking about all of the friends you two had lost because of the Scorch and the flare.

"I don't know. But I do know that we shouldn't trust them," you tell her. You had lost to many friends because of betrayals and trusting someone too soon, and you weren't going to make the same mistake again.

You two stay quiet the rest of the way down. When you get to the door, you hear the screaming and squealing of the cranks that you have chained up. Sucking in a deep breath, you tug your hood up over your head, making sure it was secure, obscuring your face from anyone's view. Brenda flicks the light switch on as she opens the door out into the garage. A group of boys stands in the middle of the hoard of chained up cranks, trying to stay out of their reach.

"I see you've met our guard dogs," Brenda announces, and walks towards the them, you following behind her. You keep your head down, not wanting to see the gore and decay of the cranks. "You look like shit," she states, and you smack her on the arm.

She glances at you, but your already looking at the boys. "Sorry about her. Just follow us so we can get you away from these things," you say while gesturing around the room of cranks.

They give you a skeptical look before following Brenda out of the room, you coming up to trail them.

A tall blond boy kept glancing back at you as if checking that you weren't sneaking up behind them with a knife. As Brenda is leading them through the compound where you've lived for the past year, she's explaining some things to them, like how everyone got there, and that Jorge wants to meet them.

Halfway up to Jorge's room, Barkley, a creepy old man that you never liked, approached your group. "What now we're taking in outsiders, or are they gonna be our next meal," the older man asks, but it comes out as more of a growl, as he steps right in front of the tall blond.

You use the minute of courage you have, and stomp towards the two and step in between the older man, and the blond. "Back off Barkley," you snap at him.

"Oh come on (Y/n). Am I not allowed to have a little fun? Or are you too much of a bitch to disobey Jorge," Barkley laughs at you, and you consider backing down, but you stand your ground.

"For all we know we should be chaining you up with the rest of them right this minute, so I wouldn't make yourself sound any crazier than you already are." You retort. You and him glare at each other for a minute, his eyes dark, and your fists clenched.

When Barkley knows he can't win this, he jumps at you to try and make you flinch, but you keep a straight face, and still body, blocking him from the blond boy. He growls at you before stomping off to some more older men. You take a deep breath to calm down your nerves, and step away from the boy. He gives you a sympathetic look when you glance up at him, but you quickly turn your gaze back to the ground.

Brenda starts walking again, and you keep your head down as you follow behind everyone else. You don't realize when the boy walks up next to you.

"Hey, thanks for helping me with that guy," he tells you. You look at him out of the corner of your eye, but your head is still aimed towards the ground.

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