That Darn Dog (Part 1)

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(Imagine the dog in the pic is all grown up)

You could feel your slobbery Saint Bernards tongue all over your face, making you wake up to the smell of dog breath. It takes all of your strength to shove the large dog away from you so you can breathe. You sit up, and wipe the drool off of your face, using your shirt to do it. You then look down at the dog with an annoyed expression, while he just looks up at you with a stupid 'smile' on his face.

After a minute of you glaring, and him panting while showing his teeth, you giggle, and grab his squishy face in your hands, playfully rocking it back and forth while his head tilts with your hands. You decide to get up so you can get to work, so you laugh at the large dog, giving him a quick kiss on his forehead, and then swinging your legs over the side of the bed.

Your work outfit is laying over your little stool that goes to the desk Gally had made you. He found out that you liked to draw little sketches of random things, so he made you a desk for your room in his own free time. You don't know how many times you thanked him, and you still sometimes did it to this day.

Your outfit consisted of some worn short shorts and a dull pink tank top. The straps had ripped long ago, so you had to tie them around the back of your neck to keep your shirt up. You slipped the shorts on, and then tied the straps around your neck, walking over to the tiny mirror sitting on your desk so you could put your hair up in a messy bun, having to kneel down to see your face in the mirror.

Halfway through putting your hair up, someone knocks on your door. "Come in," you shout, not bothering to see who it was. Newt ends up walking through the door.

"Hey Newt," you say casually, smacking your inner fan girl on the head with a mental hammer.

"Hey (Y/n)," Newt says, walking over to your bed, and sitting next to your giant dog. "Hey Sumo," he says, scratching the large chunk of scruff on the dogs neck, making his collar rattle.

"So what's up," you ask, wondering why he had to come to your room. He was one of the only boys you let in your room. Him, Winston, Alby, your dog, Sumo obviously, and sometimes Gally. All the other boys never really had a reason to come to your room.

"What can a guy not walk his girlfriend to breakfast," he asks in a casual tone. Your head shoots away from the mirror to look at him with wide eyes, still kneeling down. He sees your expression, and realizes his mistake. "No! I mean your not my girlfriend. Your just a girl who's a friend, so that just seemed easiest-" he stutters trying to fix his mistake, but only making it worse. "Oh bloody hell," he shoves his face in his hands, whispering the statement.

You giggle, finishing your bun, and walking over to him. "Have I ever told you your adorable when you stutter," you ask him, teasing him for his mistake. He parts his fingers on his face, so his eyes are the only things peeking through at you. "Cause you are," you finish, flopping down on the bed on the opposite side of Sumo, and giggling.

Almost immediately the large dog jumped off the bed, making you tip over. Right. Into. Newt. "Oh my shuck. I am so sorry, Newt," you say, trying to get your arms underneath you so you can sit up, but just end up punching yourself in the face with your fist. "Awhaha shuck," you groan painfully, no longer caring if your leaning on Newt. Your body slowly falls backwards, with you grabbing your face in both hands, much like Newt had been doing seconds ago, but for a completely different reason. You end up laying on your back, and of course your head lands in his lap. Of all the shucking places it could have landed on the entire bed, but your in to much pain to care. You groan, massaging the spot you punched with your fingers.

After the initial burst of pain ends, you peel your hands away from your face, looking up at Newt. He was smirking at you, and that's when you remembered you were still laying on his lap. You quickly scramble out of his lap, trying to sit up, but instead you just end up flipping off the bed, landing on your side. "Awhaha," you painfully laugh again, wondering if the creators would just kill you now to spare you the embarrassment.

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