Losing Him

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Description: You fight your way through WCKD's building to get Newt the cure, but when the city erupts in chaos, you are unable to find himj and Thomas.

You watched as Newts body was laid down against a wall. He was coughing up thick, black blood, and it was spilling out over his chin. The sight made you want to fall down and cry, but it also made you want to get him to the berg even more. You knew he wouldn't make it unless he got the serum, and very soon.

Thomas and Minho were standing at Newt's side, not knowing what to do. You were about five feet in front of him, staring at his limp body. Suddenly you get a very stupid idea, but it might be the only way you could save him.

He looked up at you with sad eyes. Different eyes. It wasn't your Newt anymore. Maybe he was still there somewhere deep down inside him, but it was so far gone you couldn't see it. You had to get the serum.

You stare at him for a second, a tear slipping down your cheek as you look at his pained expression, obviously trying to fight the effects of the virus. He stares into your eyes and takes a deep breath as if he's about to say something, but before any words can come out of his mouth, you jump up and sprint back towards WICKEDs crumbling building.

Minho's and Thomas's shouts of protest are drowned out by the ringing in your ears, and the distance you make in the first few seconds. Turning corners and running down streets, you avoid getting shot or blown up in all the chaos.

Panting and sweating, you make it to the front doors of WICKED's burning building. You glance up, a terrified look on your face as you see the windows on the top floors shattering from the heat, raining down glass. You screech, running into the building deciding that saving Newt was worth risking your life for.

Your lungs immediately fill with smoke, the fowl air causing you to almost cough up a lung. You lift the collar of your shirt to cover your nose, the action helping if only just a little bit. Spotting the door to the staircase, you run over to it, keeping one hand up to your face to keep your shirt pinned against your nose.

As you climb up the stairs, breathing becomes harder and harder, and your shirt becomes less helpful. Stumbling on the landing of the third floor, you fall down, landing on the ground in a heep. Your chest heaved as your lungs tried to rid themselves of the smoke, but it was no use.

Your head jerks when you hear the whole building creak, the walls straining to keep it up. You take a deep breath, wishing you could get some fresh air as you stand up, leaning against the wall for support. Please hold, please hold, please hold, you silently beg as you stumble up to the forth floor.

Pushing it open, you rush over to one of the labs, jiggling the door handle furiously, but only figuring out that it was locked. Looking around frantically, eyes squinted from the heat radiating from above you, you rush over to the wall, looking into the lab from the windows. You pound on it with your fist a few times hoping it would somehow break, but all it does is make a loud bang.

Turning your head you see one of WICKED's tazer guns (idk what their called lol) You pick it up, and bash the front into the window, causing it to shatter. Jumping into the room, you cringe when the glass cuts your hand open. You ball your hand into a fist, ignoring the pain it causes, reminding yourself that you could save Newt.

Your panting as you rush over to one of the steel cabinets that Gally had taken the serum from, pulling it open and looking inside to see nothing but empty space.

"Damnit," you scream dropping to the floor and slamming your fist. You look around, panting. It was getting hotter by the second, the building creaking again. The air was becoming close to impossible to suck in, and your skin was coated in black dust and smoke and ash. You were doubled over, straining to fill your lungs with oxygen as your shirt because useless against the smoke.

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