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You wake up to a sharp pain in your chest. You roll over to release the bile from your stomach, and lay on your front to catch your breath. Your panting, and you have a throbbing headache. You groan as you sit up in a large metal box. You search around frantically, wondering where you are, when you see a small body in the corner.

You crawl past the boxes to the body, and kneel down right next to it as the box continues to move up like an elevator. When you get over to it, you realize in the dim lighting that it's a young girl. Maybe eight or nine. You recognize her as your little sister.

"Julie," you ask in a panicked tone. You move the hair out of her face messily, trying to get her to wake up. "Julie!"

Her eyes flutter open, looking like she might pass out anytime soon. "(Y/n)," she asks in a tired and raspy tone.

"Oh Julie," you cry in relief, wrapping your arms around her. She groans, and you gently lean her back up against the wall. "Do you know what happened," you ask her in a strict tone, hoping for something. You just now realize you remember nothing except your name and your sisters name.

She doesn't answer you cause she's out cold. Your crying as you gently pick her up, and crawl over to the corner of the large metal contraption. You set her in the corner, and your right up next to her, using your body as a shield against whatever might be outside the box.

You hug her body, and squeeze her in the corner as the box moves up. "Please wake up, Please wake up, Please wake up," you repeat, hoping you little sister would be ok. Suddenly the box shoots up, and the momentum throws you forward. You slam into another box, smacking your head on the corner, worsening your headache, and you feel a small dribble of blood go down your face.

You groan as you roll over onto your back, facing the top of the box. As you look past it though, you see a ceiling coming down to meet you at an alarming rate. That's when yo realized you were going to crash. You jumped back up, wrapping your sister in a death hug again, mumbling 'I'm sorry's and "It's ok's. Just as the box is about to crash into the ceiling, it comes to a sudden halt.

You sit there panting, and gripping onto your sister for dear life, when your blinded by light. You keep your body pressed up against her, but raise an arm to shield you from the light. You hear voices mumbling things, but you can't make out what their saying.

When your eyes are adjusted to the light, you put your arm back around Julie, and look up. There are a bunch of boys standing around you. Forty at the least. You shook in fright, hiding your face in Julie's shoulder, praying that this was just a bad dream.

You feel the box jolt, and your head shoots up to see a boy with the freakiest eyebrows ever in the box with you. You scoot even closer in the corner, hoping you don't accidentally hurt her by how squished she is, and look at the boy as he walks over to you.

Without warning, he grabs your arm and jerks you away from your sister. "No! Julie," you scream. The boy picks you up easily and throws you out of the box, a hoard of boys crowding around you. You scramble backwards using your hands and scooting your butt along the ground as the boys circle you. You accidentally back up right into someone's legs, and you look up quickly to see it's a tall Asian boy with black hair. You try to get around him, but he bends down, and grabs your arms, pulling you to your feet.

A tall dark skinned boy walks up to you, and he looks to be the oldest of all the boys you've seen so far. He looks at your scared shaking body for a second before telling the Asian boy, "Put her in the pit."

The boy starts dragging you away from the box, and your screaming and thrashing. "Let me go!" Two more boys come over to help drag you away. You see another boy jump down into the box, tall, with shaggy blond hair. You keep thrashing, as you see the boy jump back out with Julie in his arms.

The Maze Runner: Newt ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now