See You Again

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Ok I saw this pic on the internet, and I couldn't not make a OneShot about this. I'm already crying, and I haven't even started writing this, but I hope you enjoy.

You sighed as the cool salty breeze swept over your face. You were sitting on a cliff overlooking the ocean, your legs dangling off the side. You had a soft smile plastered on your face thinking about what had led up to this moment.

You remember when you had just come up from the box. You were curled up in the corner, hugging your knees to your chest, and hiding your face in your knees because of the blinding light. You were breathing heavy, and you were shaking, unable to control your body. You were so scared.

"Hey, Love I'm comin down," you hear a boy shout in a British accent. You didn't look up from your knees as you felt the box jolt a little from the boy landing in it probably. You heard footsteps coming up to you, and you curled into an even tighter ball. You felt a hand on your shoulder, and you flinched, expecting some sort of pain.

"Hey it's ok. I'm not gonna hurt you," the boy told you in a soft tone. You slowly lift your head up from your knees, and see a blond boy staring back at you with a soft smile. He was a tall, blond hair boy with soft brown eyes and a skinny figure.

"Names Newt greenie. Welcome to the Glade." He tells you with a soft smile.

End flashback

You were thinking about your years in the glade. You ended up being stuck in there for two and a half years. You were the only girl in the whole group of boys until Teresa came along, and you didn't mind it. Every new boy who came up in the box either listened to Alby about not messing with you, or they learned the hard way, and had to deal with Newts wrath.

Newt quickly became your best friend in the glade. He was very protective of you, and the few times the greenies didn't listen to Albys Warning to leave you alone, he showed that he may be a skinny shank, but he could fight if he needed to.


You had been walking over to the kitchens for dinner. The day was over, and all of the runners, including Newt, had made it back safely. A greenie had come up that day, and he was kinda creepy. You had seen him staring you down multiple times that day, and you even saw him lick his lips once. You knew that the boys were going to look at you, especially the new ones cause you were the only girl, but this boy gave you a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach.

You decided to speed up your steps to the kitchen because it was getting dark, and you didn't like being alone out in the glade. You had almost reached the door, when someone grabbed your wrist, and wrapped a hand around your mouth. You flung your other hand to hit the person holding you, but he caught it. He held your hands behind your back, and kept the other covering your mouth.

"Don't struggle, and this will be so much easier for the both of us," the person whispered in your ear, and you recognized the voice to be the greenies. You jerked your arms, but every movement only made him grip you even tighter.

You tried to scream past his hand, but the action caused him to slam you into the side of the homestead, knocking the wind out of you. He practically dragged you to the council hall, hoping that no one would still be in there at this time in the evening. He opened the door, and tossed your body inside while stepping in himself, and closing the door behind him. He started stomping up to you, and you scrambled backwards on the ground.

He walks up to you, and it looks like he's about to grab you, when you hear voices outside the large hand built building. The voices make the greenie stop moving. When you focus a little more, you hear that it's Newt and Alby talking.

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