That Darn Dog (Part 2)

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(MUST READ!!! So this is a year later! Also you guys are absolutely gonna hate me when your done reading this, no questions asked. I hate myself for this chapter, so just a heads up you will cry, cause I'm crying right now.)

"Sumo," you whine as the large fluffy dog comes over and sits down right on the patch of weeds you were just pulling. He whimpers and does his stupidly adorable 'smile' that you loved. You give him a stern glare before giving in, and laughing. You start petting the large dog and rock his head back and forth in your hands.

You screech when the dog pounces on you, making you tip backwards, him towering over you. He starts licking you all over your face and neck, getting slobber into your hair. Your laughing as you try to shove him off of you, but he's too heavy. Suddenly you see Newt walking up to you two with a stupid grin on his face, and it looks like he's laughing to.

"Newt! Help me," you shout through your laughs as Sumo continues to lick you. He's laughing as he stands right next to you two, leaning against his shovel.

"Oh come on I'm enjoyin this," he laughs, looking down at you two.

"Newt," you snap in a warning tone.

"Ok fine," he whines. "Sumo off," he commands, and the dog jumps off of you, leaving you with soaking wet hair and a wet face.

"Uuuuugh," you groan, annoyed with your dog. All of the sudden you hear Newt drop down next to you, and he starts tickling your sides. "Ah," you screech, rolling onto your side, and trying to curl into a ball. "Newt stop it," you shout through laughs.

You hear him laugh along with you, but he doesn't stop. Eventually you twist out of his grip, and roll away from him. Your panting, laying on your back, too tired to get up. Newts shadow covers your face, allowing you to open your eyes, and look up at him with a death glare.

"I really don't like you," you say, pointing a finger up at him.

"Ya I know. But you love me," he says with a smirk, offering a hand down to you. You stick your tongue out at him, taking his hand, and letting him pull you to your feet. Once your standing up, you look at Newt, crossing your arms, forcing a peeved look onto your face. He's standing a foot in front of you, still smirking as you try to keep a straight face.

Your death glare is ruined by Sumo as he walks up behind you. He shoved his head into the back of your knees, making you tip into Newt. Your arms reach up to grab his shoulders, and his go around your waist so you won't fall. You give him a 'you've got to be kidding me' look.

"Seriously it's like he doesn't understand that we're together," you say exasperatedly, turning your head towards Sumo. "You know you can stop making me trip into him, right? You don't have to keep embarrassing me." He just sits down, 'smiling' again, making you laugh even though you were annoyed.

You hide your face in Newts neck, mumbling, "What am I gonna do with him."

Before he can respond, you hear thundering crashes and bangs coming from the maze. You pull your face out of his neck, giving him a worried expression as another loud crash sounds through the walls. He lets go of you, running over to the North entrance where boys are starting to gather. You run after him, Sumo sticking by your side. Once you get over to the crowd of boys, Newt grabs your hand, pulling you to the front to be right in line with the maze entrance. Soon after, Alby runs up next to us.

"What the shucks happening," he snaps in his normal strict tone that always made you want to cower a little.

"We don't know," Newt says, staring into the maze, a look of concentration on his face. He continues holding onto your hand, squeezing it tightly. Your breathing picks up pace as more thundering crashes are heard, and griever squeals are near.

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