Midnight Strolls

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Description: you're sleeping next to Newt in the Scorch. In the middle of the night you wake up and need a walk. Newt feels your absence and gets up and searches for you.
(Thomas was one of the first few people in the glade, so Newt and (Y/n) are best friends with him)

You and your friends had been walking through the Scorch for almost seven hours straight, trying to get to the mountains to find the Right Arm. The only noise was the sound of your feet crunching on the ground, and the occasional groan or grumble from various Gladers. You were walking alongside Newt who looked like he was trying desperately to keep walking, his limp obvious.

Just as you thought this he stumbles forward, tripping on a rock. You reach out quickly, wrapping an arm around his waist and pulling him back to his feet before he hit the ground. He leans into your side as you wrap his arm over your shoulders, holding him up. You look at your friend worriedly, trying to decide what to do. He obviously couldn't keep walking for today, and as you looked around at the other Gladers you realized they also looked like they were about to tip over.

"Thomas! We need to stop here for the night," you shout to the front of the group where the leader is. He turns around to face you, but that's when he sees all the other boys and their conditions. He turns his head to Minho who's standing right next to him, and he seems to be discussing something. When he looks back up at you he gives you a sharp nod of his head, and all the Gladers fall to their knees. You gently kneel down, helping Newt to the ground before taking his arm off your shoulders and laying him down on his back, using your backpack as a pillow for his head.

He seemed to have already fallen asleep, his head rolling to the side, short even breaths leaving his slightly parted lips. You bring your hand down to his face, cupping his cheek, and wiping a few strands of hair off of his sweaty forehead. You were really worried about him.

He had been your best friend ever since you came up into the maze almost a year ago, but your feelings started growing stronger for him. I mean how could you not start to fall for him. He was handsome, smart, brave, kind. There was nothing not to like about him, but you still wished you had never started caring for him like that. You didn't need to add even more stress to his life than he already had. From having to take over as leader of the glade and go up against Gally, to having to be there for Thomas. It wouldn't be fair to him, so you never told him.

You sighed, pulling your hand back, and looking down at his sleeping figure.

"Is he ok," Thomas asks from behind you in a caring tone, but it almost sounds like he's asking if you're ok.

You spin around to face him, sticking your hands in your pockets of your pants, and clearing your throat before saying, "He should be fine. I think he's just exhausted from the long day." Your looking down at the ground the whole time, only glancing up once to see a sad look in Thomas's eyes. He was the only person who knew about your feelings for Newt, because if you were closer to anyone other than him it was definitely Thomas. You look over to the side, clearing your throat again before speaking up. "I'm gonna go get us some firewood," you mumble, not wanting to look back at him again.

Before he can say anything, you walk off towards a nearby pile of rubble, picking through it for some twigs and sticks. Your breathing heavy as you trudge back over to the boys, a pile of wood in your arms. When you get over to them, you drop the wood on the ground in the middle of the wonky circle they made. You sit down in between Thomas and Newt, being careful not to wake the latter.

Frypan reaches into his backpack and grabs a box of matches, lighting them and tossing a few into the pile. It ignites in flames, illuminating the dark area you were sitting in.

Everyone stays silent for a while, not knowing what to say or if anything should be said. You take a deep breath, letting it out and speaking up.

"I'm gonna go ahead and get some sleep," you mumble tiredly, fighting to keep your eyes open. You feel a hand on your shoulder, and you look over to see Thomas giving you a soft smile. You return the gesture before laying down on your back, laying next to Newt. You curl your arm underneath your head, using it as a pillow as you wrap your other arm around your stomach, trying to curl into a tight ball. Your asleep within seconds, tired from the long trip that day.

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